Well-known member
John - not just 'county clerk mentality' - try government mentality. Since 9/11 there have been many laws passed that affect all of us and we have gradually lost things we once took for granted. As in Florida, for instance, anybody who gets a driver's license now has to show country of birth - never done before, but it's because of 9/11. And our government employees are trying so hard to follow these new and confusing rules/laws that they step all over us - moreso than ever before. We have a Federal government agency in this county where I live, where low income folks can buy houses at low interest and monthly payments - those employees are ungodly unkind to their clients and treat them like dirt and they have been doing it for years here. These folks are already downtrodden and think what the attitude of our 'paid servants' does to them. Ain't it a shame that those who work for 'the govamint' have the power to do this, all in the name of their jobs, which so many do so poorly. The Peter principle, you know.