#@%$ DMV and other STRESS

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John - not just 'county clerk mentality' - try government mentality. Since 9/11 there have been many laws passed that affect all of us and we have gradually lost things we once took for granted. As in Florida, for instance, anybody who gets a driver's license now has to show country of birth - never done before, but it's because of 9/11. And our government employees are trying so hard to follow these new and confusing rules/laws that they step all over us - moreso than ever before. We have a Federal government agency in this county where I live, where low income folks can buy houses at low interest and monthly payments - those employees are ungodly unkind to their clients and treat them like dirt and they have been doing it for years here. These folks are already downtrodden and think what the attitude of our 'paid servants' does to them. Ain't it a shame that those who work for 'the govamint' have the power to do this, all in the name of their jobs, which so many do so poorly. The Peter principle, you know.
The Child Life Specialist job sounds like a GREAT way to utilize your unique experience to help children facing surgery. I hope you 'go for it' !

In a sense, Mended Hearts does a similar thing for adults but some hospitals don't even have (allow?) a chapter in to council patients. MANY don't allow Mended Hearts to see patients until AFTER surgery. Fortunately, our hospital / surgeons do recognize the benefit of these (unpaid) volunteers and allow access before and after surgery. It seems to me that a paid Patient Educator might be a useful addition to the system and a good job opportunity, especially for heart surgery survivors.


I so appreciate your post. I truly did not mean it to sound so bitchy. I was gone over the weekend so didn't see your post until now. I wouldn't have gone away...this site is too valuable for me. Maybe just have lurked a little. I am glad you aren't really offended.




Not to make excuses for anyone, but as a former state (Arizona) employee, I get concerned when I see ALL government workers/ civil servants get painted with such a broad brush of disdain. Truth be told, they are given precious little support or training by the legislative groups that mandate their existence, and are likely just as frustrated with the situation as you are. I have many friends who have had to leave this kind of work due to burnout...they simply couldn't take it anymore. Having said that, I completely agree that "government" as an entity is something that needs to be watched like a hawk for the good of us all. Heck, I even nearly got busted for participating in a protest in 1988 at the capital in Phoenix :eek:
I realize some civil servants are "lovely and talented" (just saw that under your name and almost choked laughing!). My older brother has worked for the U.S. government his whole working life, first as a soldier, then as a civilian with the Army; I can't think of anyone more dedicated and thoughful about what he does.

Like all professions, there are all kinds of people in the public sector. However, I do believe certain personality types to get drawn to certain kinds of work. I am pretty sure that Niki's story called up memories for lots of folks here. As an interesting sidebar, the psychological test called the MMPI has been administered to people in many professions all over the world. It is very interesting that the personality profile that prisoners have on the MMPI is shared most closely by one other group: police officers. On the other hand, anyone who claims to have human behavior figured out is either a fool or a liar.

I don't think anyone intended to apply a broad brush of disdain for all civil service workers. Certainly since 9/11 we have reasons to have great pride and respect for those civil servants whose lives were given in the attempt to save others.

My son was a county civil servant, but had to bail out because it just got him down too much (plus the pay stunk!). But he has some stories about his co-workers that are spookily similar to the story Niki told.

Civil service is not the only place where we have "issues"--the world of corporate executives is far worse! OK, I'm rambling and will go buy my license tabs (without incident, I hope).

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Good Luck with the tabs, John, LOL. We'll be waiting to hear the story :D

P.S. You're the first one to comment on my tagline...guess I'll have to change it now.
Rudest people in the world

Rudest people in the world

Are those who work for the government. Post Office Mistress or Post Office Master..Have known 3 and all 3 are rude. The one I have now, if you walk in to purchase stamps, ect. at 11:50, she will turn around and look at clock. Noon, her 2 hour lunch break.I have heard all my life, once you get on with a civil service job, it's hard to get fired. Now, I also know that the License Officers are the lowest paid in Highway department. Son, is Law Enforcement. 13 years. here in Ga. now, we can renew over internet...or mail..No more standing in Line. John says I have gotten mean since my AVR:D :D Maybe so..but still hate rude:p :p :p :p people. Bonnie


That's the kind of broad brush I was speaking of. My wife used to work for the DoD and as a county civil servant (probate court). I worked as a state employee (granted, not in "government" per se). I don't think either one of us would be considered "rude." My father in law is a postman near Chicago, my late Grandfather was county treasurer, etc.
Post Office Mistress?

Post Office Mistress?

Hmmmmmm, Post Office Mistress? Does she have a whip and a dungeon, and punish you if you don't lick the stamps just right?;) :D
There certainly are many talented and qualified people in government. I used to work for a county as a social worker (never had a moment's training furnished) and I did all our ambulance billing, which I was qualified for, but not the other part. I did a good job on one, a passing job on the other. I saw many departments that had unqualified people, nobody got fired. If you could ever get a job w/county you could stay til you died. The county where I now live has employees who are mostly all kin to each other. And you ain't gonna fire your cuzzin. On the other hand, my grandson is a policeman, my step son is a detective captain (has a degree in criminology), my daughter works in finance in neighboring county and is way qualified and good at her job. So the good and bad mixed together. The only thing is, we only talk about the bad - the natural American way, right?
Sorry Johnny

Sorry Johnny

If I stepped on your toes.:) We have the nicest Post Lady who delivers our mail down at the entrance (We live in a gated community)..She always has a smile and will stop and chat..even tho she is very busy sorting mail. The people I'm talking about are the head Honchos..That work inside the nice warm post office. Not out in elements. Don't even want to go there..about County Courthouse people after I got served for Jury duty after AVR and tried to explain how I did not feel like I would make a good Jury person. Like talking to Rufus (my cat) laying here on top of my computer.:D :D Yes, John C. I'm scared of this woman...Thank goodness no Xmas presents to send..:D thru mail..Bonnie
Yes, I could never make the choice between Original or Extra Crispy, so I changed the "or" to "and."

Of course, now that I gots me a cardiologist, this question doesn't come up as offen as it used to LOL.
Just gotta say...

Just gotta say...

I love how off topic some of our threads can get... ;) Who would have ever guessed that a thread started about the DMV could lead to fried chicken...

You guys are great! I'm so glad to be a part of this wonderful group.
Off-topic? I beg to differ. I think the game of chicken is of serious concern to the DMV!

P.S. A piece of advertising trivia. When Kentucky Fried Chicken first went to China, it did a literal translation of "Finger Lickin' Good." When the first store opened, the Chinese avoided it like the plague. Turns out the "finger lickin' good" slogan has no good translation equivalent in Chinese, and it came out something like "Makes you want to bite your fingers off.":D
NOOOOO, you guys really want to know who's rude????? The "Dr.'s" at the Naval hospital in Bremerton WA. My youngest son, Erik, had a temp of 103.9 this past friday, and I called the nurse hotline that THEY are contracted through, and the nurse told me to go ahead and take Erik to the ER, with that high of a temp. So I did, only to be told that I SHOULD HAVE done this this and the other before bringing him in. I'm sorry, but was I supposed to listen to the nurse? They did a throat culture, and I told them I wanted to know what the results were EVEN if they were negative. I didn't want to give him unnecessary antibiotics, you know. Well, they told me to call back the next day, and they said, "we can't bring that up". It took until this morning"monday morning," to be able to get the results. They were negative, and i have stopped the amoxicillin.
a whole new thread within a thread within a thread ........

My Joe had a stroke so when we moved here he could not get health insurance. Went to VA just because he could for a general checkup. They found problems so he was sent on to next VA facility (BIG hosp in Biloxi) where they found prostate problems. He was assigned the BEST surgeon you would ever want to have. He was from someplace else besides USA and wherever it was, he sure got some good training. He was kind and thoughtful, but most important, he got the job done. Operated and successfully removed prostate (you guys don't need to worry, everything still works after this surgery - just in case you ever need to know).

Sometimes we get lucky - on the other hand, all too often we get one of Joy's drs. But from all we read in here, they are also in the public sector, except we can yell back or go to another, whereas Joy can't. Same thing with other government areas!
I guess I should have added on, that my kids's pediatrician is a really awesome doctor, I insisted that they get to go to a civilian doc, and I got my way. I go to Madigan army medical center which is about 60 miles away from home, but again, I insisted on going there, because I wanted better medical care. It's just the naval hospital that has horrible medical care and rude doctors. I have to also add on that my Card is great and i have a really great doctor/patient relationship with both him and his secretary. I can always talk to him whenever I have a question.

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