I was getting dizzy starting about 6 months post-op, I think. Or maybe 3 months. Can't remember. Anyway, I think if you look in my old posts, you'll see me talking about it. (I don't post much). It got really bad at times, where I'd feel dizzy several times a day. Didn't wake up with it. Usually when I was just chilling out in bed, using my computer, but other times too. Twice when I was driving (pulled over til I felt better). Mostly I'd just get dizzy and maybe sick-ish, but occasionally I'd be so bad I almost threw up, and once or twice i actually did.
I have a wrist blood pressure monitor, and I'd throw it on when the dizziness happened. Normal pressure range, normal heartbeat. Went to the ER a few times, they said everything was normal. Doctors said it was unrelated to my surgery. Did a scan of my brain to check for brain aneurysms, they said I was clean. Never have figured out the cause.
What helped a lot, and I mean A LOT, was using Reiki. Reiki is an energy healing modality. The first Reiki treatment I got, the vertigo went away for two whole weeks, which was amazing, because I'd had it about 3 times a day for a week or two straight. When it came back, I couldn't afford to keep going, so I got trained in it myself, and became a Kundalini Reiki Master so I could self-treat every day, and treat my kids too. Then I trained my husband to be a Reiki Master too, and he gives it to me daily (for some reason his Reiki works better on me than mine).
The Reiki hasn't eliminated the problem, but helps a ton. When I do it regularly, the vertigo episodes are few and far between. When I don't, they come back worse. A healthy, all natural diet of whole foods--especially high raw or all raw diet--helps a lot too, as it's very healing. Still don't know the cause, and that makes me nervous, and it might not be the same cause as your situation, but i hope this helps somehow.