Diuretics and energy level

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Sep 11, 2010
Pittsburgh, Pa
(Note: I changed title, you see in first posting that referral- was a duplicate of other post.)
The issue:
My mother is taking increased diuretics Bumex — Bumetanide, also taking a potassium supplement.She was released from the hospital on Monday after spending six days in the hospital for difficulty breathing, because of fluid in the lungs. She has chf. On a waiting list for PAVR to be done in Cleveland, but not until OCTOBER 20TH! My father believes, and I agree, that she needs to have a procedure done soon. Maybe traditional open heart surgery is the only way to go because it can be scheduled and done this week, or maybe a valvotomy to help hold over - heard from a hospital (UPenn) that they do that.
Thank you.
I'm not sure BUT I think if you PM Hank, he can change the title of your other post, if that is why you started this one
No procedure like this can be done without risk and only valve replacement is going to move your Mother into recovery. Especially, if she is older, I would want to minimize risk by going directly to surgery. Yes, Cleveland Clinic is the premier hospital for heart surgery but there are wonderfully skilled surgeons elsewhere. Unless there are serious complicating issues, valve replacement can be performed with the same low risk in every excellent facility across the country. My own experience here in Tulsa is a good example. I would not wait.

Thank you for the encouragement, in the land of ORU. I talked to a cardiologist and they said the same thing. Somewhere on "valvereplacement.org" my mothers thoracic surgeon was given a good referral, and rated as one of the top few in the city of Pittsburgh.

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