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Tell your brother,
"Way to go, Bro!"
He's gone above and beyond brotherly duty!

I wouldn't be embarassed; leave that for the cardio to experience.

Good luck Monday and please post what you learn.
you are a lucky guy!

you are a lucky guy!

Tex. You have a wonderful brother. That guy adores YOU! Having not gone through any of this yet, I was watching to see where advice would take you, and your younger brother definitely, obviously, had the best idea!!

Good luck with your trip! Don't you dare feel a moment's embarassment or doubt about how all this played out to get you back to the surgeon. I would, however, relish watching the surgeon's face when you recount your experience with your cardio to him. :eek: is probably the look you'll get!! Perhaps the surgeon will have a referral for a new cardio for you!!

Hang in there! We're all here pulling for ya! Keep us posted.

:) Marguerite
You are rushing things a bit so soon. Two months is not long enough for the body to recovery from any major surgery. You must take it slow and pace till you are feeling better. A lot of us are on all kinds of medications, so you are not alone. Just build up slowly, walk ten minutes one week, twenty the next and so on till you are up to where you were before. Just let time heal the body. It take time to recovery from the trauma of being cracked up for hours. You will eventually feel better. Just take it one day at a time. Just cathing up here. Take care and one day at a time.

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