Dental Work Prior To BAVR

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Never realized the extent that dental hygiene plays in successful AVR surgery. My surgeon reviewed x-rays sent by my local dentist and DEMANDED that I have two root canals and a wisdom tooth extracted before surgery to replace my BAV. I had the work done last week in preparation for surgery Sept. 24th. and now have the dental clearance required......

Has anyone else had to have dental work done prior to surgery? I now know that one of the biggest post-op complications is infection in the new valve....

After the three days of pre-op testing and the dental work, I think I am finally ready to get this surgery done......

A good doctor will ask a patient to get a dental checkup prior to surgery and get anything done that needs to be done before the surgery.

Once you have your surgery, you will look back and think "Thank goodness I had that stuff taken care of before hand." You won't want anyone to touch you for any procedure - let alone a root canal! What the doctor is concerned about is the chance of infection from undiagnosed and untreated dental problems.
Blnmakerr said:
Never realized the extent that dental hygiene plays in successful AVR surgery. My surgeon reviewed x-rays sent by my local dentist and DEMANDED that I have two root canals and a wisdom tooth extracted before surgery to replace my BAV. I had the work done last week in preparation for surgery Sept. 24th. and now have the dental clearance required......

Has anyone else had to have dental work done prior to surgery? I now know that one of the biggest post-op complications is infection in the new valve....

After the three days of pre-op testing and the dental work, I think I am finally ready to get this surgery done......


wow - the things I've learned on this site! I've been thinking I need to go to the dentist - darn! I hate the dentist!
Blnmakerr said:
Never realized the extent that dental hygiene plays in successful AVR surgery. My surgeon reviewed x-rays sent by my local dentist and DEMANDED that I have two root canals and a wisdom tooth extracted before surgery to replace my BAV. I had the work done last week in preparation for surgery Sept. 24th. and now have the dental clearance required......

Has anyone else had to have dental work done prior to surgery? I now know that one of the biggest post-op complications is infection in the new valve....

After the three days of pre-op testing and the dental work, I think I am finally ready to get this surgery done......

I am having my valve replaced soon and just had to have my bottom 2 wisdom teeth out on request of my surgeon (loud mouth hubby mentoined they play up sometimes) as painful as it was im glad i did it even though I look like I have been beaten up....good luck with your surgery....
It's the smart thing to do for sure

It's the smart thing to do for sure

Yup. Have all necessary dental work done prior to surgery including scaling. Not all dentists are up to date when it comes to ACT and it just makes sense from an infection stand point to not put your new valve at risk.
lance said:
Yup. Have all necessary dental work done prior to surgery including scaling. Not all dentists are up to date when it comes to ACT and it just makes sense from an infection stand point to not put your new valve at risk.

What is scaling?
I'm almost as nervous about going to the dentist as I am about the heart surgery! Is that the dumbest thing? I had a molar pulled last year after an attempted root canel - the tooth broke (which the dentist said it might, but I wanted to preserve it if I could). It was the worst experience ever. The novacaine didn't "take" all the way and it was just a nightmare. I have been thru 6 months of chemo and I'd do that again before having the tooth pulling incident again! So, now I have to get to the dentist again. I am such a baby.
Donna - I've often jokingly said I'd rather have open heart surgery again rather than go to the dentist. That's not really true, of course, but I do hate to go and am right there with you on the whole dentist thing.:rolleyes:
My surgeon required the trip to the dentist also. Luckily just some minor work. You might want to ask if he wants you to take antibiotics before your visit. My cardio has been making me do that for a couple of years now. Hope all goes well.
Thanks for the heads up.I made an appointment with my dentist yesterday after reading your post. The better prepared and knowledeable I am about what i need to do on my end the better I feel. That will be one less thing to deal with at the last minute. Thanks again, Keith
EVERYONE PLEASE REMEMBER TO GET ANTIBIOTICS for your visits to the dentist!!! VERY important. The dentist should be alert to your valve problems and insist that you are on a brief regimin of antibiotics to control the outpouring of bacteria in your mouth during the dental procedures and to protect your weakened valve!!!! You will always need antibiotics for each and every visit to the dentist now....especially to protect that new valve!

:) Marguerite
Have to say, i find this interesting. My dentist only makes mer take an anti-biotic (sachet) if he is doing some work where there is potential for some bleeding. I had a homograft AVR.

Is he wrong? For e.g. If he was doing a filling, I wouldn't take anything. :eek:
There is a debate about whether or not premedicating with antibiotics does anything to protect someone. Until they come out with a definitive answer to the contrary, I'm premedicating.
Freddie said:
I was told by my doctor to take One antibiotic tablet 1 hour before my dentist appointment. Will this be enough?

Depends on the med. If the doc gave it to you I am sure it is fine. I have had pre-meds that I took one and the last time it was two. Depends on what type it is.
Antibiotics & dental visits

Antibiotics & dental visits

My cardiologist & PCP have both mentioned about the American Heart Associatiion's recent changes on antibiotics for dentals & other procedures. Both told me to continue taking 2,000mg of amoxi before dentals.

Link to AHA on latest protocol for antibiotics:

My husband had to cancel his semi-annual dental 7/3 because it was less than 3 months post-op. (He was told to wait at least 3 months post-op before a teeth cleaning.) I had my teeth cleaned Monday (9/17) and was able to get him an appt for 9/24.
John's never had a cavity, root canal, etc., etc. Has had his teeth cleaned very 6 months. Not bad for someone who is 61!
Prior to my surgery, I needed three fillings, two gum grafts and all four wisdom teeth extracted. Not fun! The gum grafts were the worst.
Bad Mad said:
Careful Karylnn, you can do an extra 10 yerars for premeditating :D

LOL Maybe I should actually try that before my dental visits - helps with the stress!!!:D
My dentist suggested we do all dental work that he could forsee me needing for 6 months post-op. So I got everything done before my surgery. No problems!! I also take 2,000mg of Amoxicillin before every dental visit no matter what is being done.
Scaling is ...............

Scaling is ...............

the removal of plaque from above the gum line. It is usually done with either an electonic scaler or by hand-held scaling tools. It can/does cause bleeding and valvers should be premedicated. My dentist advised me to discontinue warfarin for 5 days prior to scaling or uncontrollable bleeding could occur making it an absolute necessity that your caregivers know about warfarin.

Better luck with your dentistry in the future.

donnamarie said:
What is scaling?
I'm almost as nervous about going to the dentist as I am about the heart surgery! Is that the dumbest thing? I had a molar pulled last year after an attempted root canel - the tooth broke (which the dentist said it might, but I wanted to preserve it if I could). It was the worst experience ever. The novacaine didn't "take" all the way and it was just a nightmare. I have been thru 6 months of chemo and I'd do that again before having the tooth pulling incident again! So, now I have to get to the dentist again. I am such a baby.