Denied.... =(

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So I wrote to the Cleveland Plain Dealer to ask what happened to the letter to the editor I had written regarding Dr. Mee and my one year anniversary....

I shall quoteth now...

"I get dozens of such letters. We don't publish letters praising doctors. And we don't publish thank-you letters. We just don't have the space. Our letters primarily respond to news articles, op-eds and other letters to the editor. They also address hot current events issues. I receive more than 100 letters each day. I only have the space to publish about 40 to 45 letters per week.

Racquel Chatmon
Plain Dealer Letters"

Apparently they do not consider one of the best teams for treating children and adults with congenital heart defects in the United States that big of a deal....

My letter was more about that than what they did specifically for me...

Oh well, guess my aunt doesn't get to read my letter in the PD.

They'd rather have discussion on political crap and LeBron James and why the heck are they still inducting musicians into the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame in NYC when the actual HALL is in Cleveland???

Guess all that's more important that saving lives.
Gee, you would think, considering they seem to get SOOOOOO many letters of this type, that it would indicate lots of people have plenty of praise to give and maybe other people would be interested in reading it!!

Apparently good news doesn't make "good news"!!

Sorry your letter didn't make it. :(

Anna : )
My employer, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, has a Saturday feature called Cheers & Jeers. One of the best-read sections in that day's edition. It's where you read attaboys for people who turn in lost wallets, good samaritans, horrible waiters/salespeople/whatever, great doctors, etc.
The S-T has been running the section since I came here 25+ years ago.

Does the Plain-Dealer not have such a section?

We don't have one either, though I might suggest it to our editor. =)

We do run a "reader photos" page once a month. We invite folks to submit photos of something "special" or "unique" or artistic value and then the photo staff (3 people) sift through the submissions and pick out the best 5 or so to put on a page.

We get a LOT of shots of the local deer population and we get a lot of "family photos" of kids...

A lot of sunsets over the lake too.


But on occassion we get a cool shot of a snow scene or a little child feeding a duck or something cool. =)