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Very glad to hear you have traveled to a safe haven. Certainly hope and pray that your property isn't damaged. Praying also for Marie and Yaps and all others down there in the Gulf region.

I know we haven't been friends with the Cuban government the past half-century, but I also pray for the everyday people of Cuba. They must be getting hit hard right now.
It's good to know you're safe. We haven't left yet but it's not looking good for us either. We too have trees around our house and that is my biggest worry more than the wind to our house.

As you say "it's in God's hands"

Be safe
Saw something on "yahoo" about this big nasty storm heading your way. I'm glad you guys have headed to safe grounfd or are planning to ASAP. Its hard to believe that its heading to the same destination as Katrina...hopefully it does what hurricanes often do and that is change course and miss land at the last moment.
Hi Praline

You are in my thoughts and prayers at what must be a very difficult time for you,
I am so glad you are safe and with friends, please try and keep us updated

All your VR family are thinking of you


Jan & Bill
got up early to watch the day begin. It is warm and humid outside, no birds at all. Our tall pine trees were completely still; then one of them began to sway, then another, etc - then all became still again - then tall ones began to sway again - and on and on......... that is how outer bands begin and as time goes by, the winds become strong and the rains heavy with each band. So, even where we are it is beginning. Sposed to be heavier winds all over by later this afternoon. Prediction last night was a little west of N.O. This is a very, very strong storm. God bless us, every one, esp those in La.
cnn early news

cnn early news

MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- Gustav's passage over Cuba took a toll on its wind speed, but it was heading over warmer Gulf waters, which are expected to reinvigorate the storm, according to the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Florida.

People line up at an evacuation point in New Orleans Saturday, as Gustav approaches the Gulf Coast.

1 of 3 more photos » The storm's passage over Cuba shaved just 15 mph off the top wind speeds reported by the hurricane center before it made landfall on the island. Forecasters believe Gustav will quickly regain that power and more, likely growing to Category 4 status on Sunday.

Hurricane warnings were posted for the northern Gulf Coast from Cameron, Louisiana, eastward to the Alabama-Florida border, including the city of New Orleans, Louisiana and Lake Pontchartrain.

"It is important not to focus on the exact track of Gustav as this is a large hurricane and significant impacts are likely to occur well away from the center," according tothe hurricane center's 5 a.m. ET discussion.

A landfall around southern Louisiana is expected by Monday afternoon, theNational Hurricane Center said.

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin called Gustav "the mother of all storms," saying its destruction could outstrip that from Katrina, which flooded much of his city.

"You need to be scared," Nagin said. "You need to be concerned, and you need to get your butts moving out of New Orleans right now. This is the storm of the century."

The city's west bank is to evacuate at 8 a.m. Sunday.

Nagin said, so far, the city had evacuated roughly 10,000 people Saturday on buses, trains and planes, in addition to the thousands who left on their own. Buses from collection points would resume at 6 a.m. Sunday, he said. Watch CNN's Don Lemon report on evacuations »

"This storm is so powerful and growing more powerful every day," Nagin said. "I'm not sure we've seen anything like this."

At 5 a.m. ET, Gustav's eye was located 425 miles (680 kilometers) southeast of the mouth of the Mississippi River, with sustained winds near 125 mph. It was moving toward the northwest at 16 mph (26 kph).

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Hurricane Gustav intensifies on its path to Cuba Leaving home? Share your story
"This storm could be as bad as it gets," Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said Saturday afternoon. "We could see flooding even worse than we saw in Hurricane Katrina."

New Orleans joined the growing list of local governments in south Louisiana ordering mandatory evacuations on Saturday and Sunday as Gustav roared past Cuba and into the Gulf of Mexico. Leaving home? Share your story

Jindal did not order mandatory evacuations at a state level, but he urged residents to take the evacuations seriously.

"When it comes to evacuation, do it sooner rather than later, he said. Watch officials urge residents to heed warnings »

Jindal said the state planned to begin "contraflow" procedures, opening both sides of interstates to outgoing traffic only, at 4 a.m. Sunday.

In New Orleans, anxiety was high Saturday as residents fled, leaving behind a ghost town of boarded-up homes and empty streets. Watch residents discuss life as evacuees »

Hundreds of people lined up for buses and trains to take them out of New Orleans and thousands of other Gulf Coast residents drove inland, clogging major highways.

At the Union Passenger Terminal in downtown New Orleans, people began arriving as early as 5:30 a.m., forming a line that snaked behind the main Amtrak terminal. Humvees circled the crowds of people, many who waited as long as 2½ hours, enduring the heat and relentless sun, unsure of their destination.

New Orleans officials designated 17 sites for people without transportation to board buses to take them to the terminal, where they will be moved to shelters outside New Orleans. However, scores of residents went directly to the terminal, prompting confusion, as did a glitch in the computer system being used to register people.

Jindal suspended registration at the terminal and instructed people to register when they arrive at shelters. By Saturday afternoon, 1,100 to 1,200 people had left the city on those buses, Nagin said.

"I'm not sure where I'm going," Margie Hawkins of New Orleans said. "My last 24 hours have been somewhat worrisome and very, very prayerful, because this is a very serious threat, and it's a lot of people to get to safe ground or be safe where they are."

The city also arranged with Amtrak for more than 7,000 seats to evacuate the elderly by train. About 1,500 people left for Memphis, Tennessee, Nagin said.

There were also crowds at New Orleans' Louis Armstrong International Airport, which the city plans to keep open through 6 p.m. CT Sunday. Both Delta Air Lines and AirTran Airways said they planned to continue flights in and out of New Orleans until the airport is closed.

Vehicles jammed Interstate 10 headed west toward Texas. Cars also clogged Interstates 55 and 59 heading north out of eastern Louisiana. Heavy volume was also reported on Interstates 65 and 59 as Mississippi evacuees streamed north.

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour announced Friday that Hurricane Katrina victims living in government-issued trailers or mobile homes along his state's coast would begin evacuating Saturday.

The storm called up uneasy memories of the deadly 2005 hurricane season, particularly of Katrina. When Katrina hit, more than 1,800 people died in five states, 1,577 of them in Louisiana.

Unlike the situation during Katrina, there will be no "shelter of last resort," the city said. In 2005, the city's Louisiana Superdome housed thousands of New Orleanians who couldn't, or didn't, heed the mandatory evacuation order.
I called Darlene (Yaps) this morning after I heard that they've issued a mandatory evacuation for Mobile and Baldwin County in Alabama.
They can't evacuate due to no money. That's the long and short of it.
Social security and disability checks for September aren't out yet, and they've reached the end of their funds for August.
Things aren't right in this country.
I called Darlene (Yaps) this morning after I heard that they've issued a mandatory evacuation for Mobile and Baldwin County in Alabama.
They can't evacuate due to no money. That's the long and short of it.
Social security and disability checks for September aren't out yet, and they've reached the end of their funds for August.
Things aren't right in this country.

How can that happen, I thought transportation was being given to people in that kind of situation. You are right Things aren't right. So very sorry, prayers and best wshes.
One of my best friends lives in Mobile with her husband and 4 kids. I just spoke with her and she said that only people who live on the bay in Mobile have been advised to leave because of a possible storm surge. She is not leaving with her kids (her husband always stays behind because he is an ER Doc). So, hopefully Yaps will be ok staying put. My heart goes out to all of you who have to have your lives put on hold to deal with these storms. Stay safe.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Be strong and of courage the Lord God is with you. Pray that all will be safe.
It's heart breaking to watch all of you leaving your homes again. Pray that you may return soon.
Stay Safe Praline.....

Stay Safe Praline.....

Gosh, you all have been really getting battered in your neck of the woods lately...First Katrina, and now Gustav....Please know that I am keeping you, as well as everyone in your region in my thoughts and prayers and that Gustav decides to pull a u-turn. Please keep us posted as you are able so we know that you are safe (((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))) Harrybaby:D:eek::eek::D

You and other members will most certainly be in my prayers, and that your homes escape any damage.

Thank you all for the good wishes. I am still fine and trying to look at the positive side of things. At least there is just me. Two years ago there would have been a very sick hubby to take care of.
Just keep praying.
I called Darlene (Yaps) this morning after I heard that they've issued a mandatory evacuation for Mobile and Baldwin County in Alabama.
They can't evacuate due to no money. That's the long and short of it.
Social security and disability checks for September aren't out yet, and they've reached the end of their funds for August.
Things aren't right in this country.

Have they tried calling one of the emergency services -- maybe the sheriff's office, the Red Cross, or other agencies? The authorities do seem to be making an effort to get as many folks out of harm's way as possible. There's still time today. I would think the Red Cross or other relief organizations could help with emergency funds, too, until the checks (electronic deposit?) are in.
Praline ~ You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the storm changes course and your home is saved. I'm praying for everyone in New Orleans...i can't imagine what it would be like to lose your home twice. Take care and stay safe.