My humble opinion - if you can financially swing it, can get the time off, have the ducks in a row - there's no time like the present.
Our trip to Paris came up really quickly. Our daughter was begging to be allowed to go visit her boyfriend, who is doing a 2 month internship there. We didn't want her to go alone and none of her friends were able. Not to mention that it wasn't our only hesitation. Then Glenn thought "Why don't we go with her." Totally uncharacteristic of him. Up until our trip 3 years ago he only wanted to go fishing in Missouri for a vacation.
We first weren't going to go to Paris, thinking that Shelby will be doing her own internship there either next year or the year after and we'd go then. (She has a double major in International Relations and French) Then I started to think that right now I know I'm healthy, I know I can do the trip, we have the time, we have the finances. Who knows what the future holds, so we decided to go. But are also hoping that the future will still hold some good things.
I'm only sad that our son can't go. He is staying at school this summer to take some classes.
So there's a little more arm twising for you.
At least next year I won't be sitting around going "Gee, we should have taken that Paris trip while we could." Hopefully we'll be planning other exciting times though!
Our trip to Paris came up really quickly. Our daughter was begging to be allowed to go visit her boyfriend, who is doing a 2 month internship there. We didn't want her to go alone and none of her friends were able. Not to mention that it wasn't our only hesitation. Then Glenn thought "Why don't we go with her." Totally uncharacteristic of him. Up until our trip 3 years ago he only wanted to go fishing in Missouri for a vacation.
I'm only sad that our son can't go. He is staying at school this summer to take some classes.
So there's a little more arm twising for you.