Daughter singing at Carnegie Hall

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2005
SW Michigan
Today I make my final payment on my daughter's and my trip to NYC next month. My daughter will sing with her very talented choir and I will get to chaperone and watch the performance. I am so excited I wanted to share. :)
You should be

You should be

so proud! And how exciting to go to NYC. Have you been before? If not, you will love NY! :) It is my favorite city bar none. I would go there every year for a visit if I could.

Have fun!!

Christina L.
This will be such an unforgettable experience for your daughter (and you!). Congratulations!
Can you tape it? Then maybe we could see the performance... I would love it.. ;) :)
What a wonderful event to have happen in your lives! I hope it turns out better than you could ever imagine! :)
What wonderful news- have a wonderful time and be sure to tell us all about it when you get home!
I hope everything is as wonderful as it sounds. Best wishes to you and your daughter for a safe and happy trip.
It is such a pleasure to share with all you wonderful people. I've got over a month before we go, but I am so looking forward to it. Christina, I have been to upstate NY every summer for the last 20 years and my daughter has been with me for the last 15, but we've never been to NYC! We will tour the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, cruise the harbor and see two broadway shows in 3 1/2 days. We are very excited!
Carnegie Hall WOW!

Carnegie Hall WOW!

Tell us more! What is the date, how many performances, do they have a list of pieces they are doing, are tickets available? My wife is planning to be there a couple times next month and this would great to attend!
How very lovely!!

How very lovely!!

Congratulations! Have a wonderful time and enjoy every moment of pride and accomplishment. Children ARE so rewarding, aren't they??

:D Marguerite
Yeah, that sounds like so much fun. I always loved to see my children perform. Now that my oldest daughter is a high school music teacher we are again going to performances but now she is the director. It's still great. Have a great time! ! :) :) :)
Glenda, I have the utmost respect for my daughter's HS choral director. She teaches and directs so many choirs I can't even name them all. She directs some at Western Michigan University as well. She is as busy as Lucy at the candy factory at all times (remember the episode with Lucy and Ethel taking chocolates off the conveyor belt and boxing them; they can't keep up and start stuffing them in their mouths!!! They fall off anyway...) and never seems to "miss a beat". Your daughter has got it goin' on to be doing that!
What an awesome accomplishment playing Carnegie Hall. I bet you're just beaming with pride. My 15 yr. old is also a performer (contest fiddler and classical violinist). He got an invite to play in the Grand Masters Preliminaries (fiddling) at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, and because of his marching band schedule, had to decline. Needless to say, we're going to drop marching band next year. ;)

Congrats to your daughter and her choir. Let us know how it goes and please post pics if possible.
Wow, Sherry! That was a tough call. My son is in marching band and plans to continue through High School. Our marching band is pretty amazing and has a very rigorous schedule as well. I can't believe they wouldn't make an accomodation for Grand Masters Preliminaries. Was it very time-consuming? They don't deserve him if they would deny him that opportunity.
It is so nice to read about people enjoying events with people they love. It is the real benefit of having successful surgery. I hope you, and you too Sherry, have a wonderful time.
That is so exciting and what a memory she will have. When I lived in NY I would get season tickets to Carnegie Hall (classical nut) it is a beautuful hall.