Date for my surgery

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Hi every one I went to the Doctor today and we have set a date for Surgery it will be Oct 4 . I want to thank you all I usually just read about others and how you all are doing and what to expect . I have had a lot of my questions answered on this site lots of information. Thank You ALL
Put you on the calendar. Wishing you the best and hope you don't hesitate to ask any questions that occur to you between now and then.
I see where you live in Missouri. Where are you having your surgery done? I'm just curious; I had my replacement done in St. Louis at Missouri Baptist. :)

Thank you

Thank you

I am sure I will have questions but right now I guess I am just getting use to the ideal of the up coming surgery. I will be having the surgery at Cox South in Springfeild ,Mo. Dr Zolfsghari Doctor Z is what every one calls him. I do have one question I was told today when a person dies (for what ever reason )who has one of the metal valves that it is removed as it is sent back to St Jude ? Has any one heard of this could this be right? I was told that it is returned after the person death. The first I have heard of this so I really don't know what to think. :) I really want to thank you for the support it really helps to know there is others who care and that have been throught the same surgery. I am so happy I found this site it means a lot to me . Thank You
sissylea3 said:
I was told today when a person dies (for what ever reason )who has one of the metal valves that it is removed as it is sent back to St Jude ? Has any one heard of this could this be right? I was told that it is returned after the person death. The first I have heard of this so I really don't know what to think. :)

That's a morbid thought :eek: . Don't you just love "friends" that think you don't have enough to worry about mentioning something like this :( . It is almost as bad as when someone finds out you are going in for OHS they come up with the Uncle, Aunt, etc. that died while having the surgery :eek: :eek: . Thanks, just what I needed to hear :mad: . Someone may come on with more knowledge about this than me. I guess if I reach that point I really won't care if they send my "parts" back or not. I'm not going to need them anyway :D .

Prayers and good thoughts are coming your way for your pending surgery. You will be in good hands both here on earth and above. And we all will be here to answer and guide you in any way we can. Shoulders will be available also.

Next question :D :D :D .

May God Bless,

Depends on hospital policy

Depends on hospital policy

sissylea3 said:
I am sure I will have questions but right now I guess I am just getting use to the ideal of the up coming surgery. I will be having the surgery at Cox South in Springfeild ,Mo. Dr Zolfsghari Doctor Z is what every one calls him. I do have one question I was told today when a person dies (for what ever reason )who has one of the metal valves that it is removed as it is sent back to St Jude ? Has any one heard of this could this be right? I was told that it is returned after the person death. The first I have heard of this so I really don't know what to think. :) I really want to thank you for the support it really helps to know there is others who care and that have been throught the same surgery. I am so happy I found this site it means a lot to me . Thank You

That may of may not be what happens depending on what the policy of the
hospital where you have your surgery. In most cases, anything removed from a person goes to pathology for examination. In most cases, then it is disposed of as biological waste. This is kind a touchy subject(as in the cases of fetus, that a family wanted to bury, that some hospitals have refused to return-exception to rule above-whole other story) but in most case if you contact in writing the hospital that you want your valve back(or returned to your family in rare case of death), they will comply. When there is no request- SOP dictates it be disposed of. That is why I have one of my failed valves today:

A patients wishes are usually followed, so if you want your valve back most hospitals will return it, but if you say nothing it will be disposed of as biological
waste. Of course, there are a lot of old tonsils that sat around for years in jars, only to get tossed in to the trash. You can always make that decision
later, when you're enjoying your new health. I am sure you will do great! :)
sissylea3 said:
I do have one question I was told today when a person dies (for what ever reason )who has one of the metal valves that it is removed as it is sent back to St Jude ? Has any one heard of this could this be right? I was told that it is returned after the person death. The first I have heard of this so I really don't know what to think. :) I really want to thank you for the support it really helps to know there is others who care and that have been throught the same surgery. I am so happy I found this site it means a lot to me . Thank You

A person who dies in the hospital ER after a car wreck due to a brain injury isn't going to have a valve removed after death. I assume that's what you mean by death, for whatever reason.
Unless there is an autopsy performed, there would be no reason for body parts to be removed.
I too had my surgery at Cox south (March 29, 05)and Dr. Z is my Dr.s partner. You will do wonderfully. I had avr and got a St. Judes mechanical. And am doing great. Great luck to you!
I also have family in Aurora. You get well and we'll have to get together.
The funeral home took my father-in-law's pacemaker. Can't be cremated with one "installed". He had had it only for 10 days. Guess the funeral home sells them to 3rd world countries because they cannot be re-used in the U.S. I would think my mother-in-law would get a discount on her bill for the re-sale, but no, she gets nothing for it! - what a rip-off.. .
I am Glad to hear that

I am Glad to hear that

I really didn't think that was true .It never surprize me with what some people will say most don't think before they speak hehehe. It really didn't bother me, but I really thought with all I go through getting this valve I really don't think they deserved it back.( Indian Giver) :p Thanks for the information Have a nice Week-end
Hope You don't mind if I asked you some questions

Hope You don't mind if I asked you some questions

lovejoy said:
I too had my surgery at Cox south (March 29, 05)and Dr. Z is my Dr.s partner. You will do wonderfully. I had avr and got a St. Judes mechanical. And am doing great. Great luck to you!
I also have family in Aurora. You get well and we'll have to get together.
I hope you don't mine if I ask you some questions on your surgery ?
Will Dr Z have assiant when doing my surgery ? I met a lady at one of my visits can not recall her name. I really like Dr Z he has great Bedside maners that is for sure. He would take all the time I needed for the questions I never have felt Rushed at any visits.So you are almost 6 months after your surgery and you are doing fine ? I have not seen any one so close to my neck of the woods on this site I am glad you replied . I really never knew there were so many people who have had this done till I seen this Web site. What is your famliy's last name that lives in Aurora? It is a small town and I know quite a few people that live in this area. Thanks for your reply Hope you have a Great Week-end . :)
I have the Bjork-Shiley valve that was replaced during my last OHS with my St. Jude. It is in a jar in my refrigerator in formaldehyde (sp?). Don't know why I still have it as it is a little odd but I would not think of getting rid of it. Unless, of course, Shiley decided it was worth some money to get it back for some strange reason. :eek: ;)

I don't think there is any assumed contract that requires valves to be returned to the manufacturer. Of course, we could make the decision to offer it to them for testing but that would be our choice.
I haven't heard of valves being removed from the deceased unless the valve was the suspected cause of death. I do know however that pacemakers and defibrillators are removed from people that are to be cremated as they have batteries in them and can explode and damage the crematorium. I believe these are then returned to the manufacture.
In the early years.......

In the early years.......

....If a person died for any reason, the manufacturer asked that it be
excised and return to examine "wear and tear". However most mech.
valves had such a good record by the late '60s, that they had enought data
and no longer made the request. It was always voluntary.

It seems to me that when I was considering a Regent valve(CC was still testing it at that time) in my last surgery, there was a check off box that said some like in the event of your death St. Judes would like to retrieve the valve to check for performance. This clause had a five year limit on it.
Keepping it is not odd

Keepping it is not odd

geebee said:
I have the Bjork-Shiley valve that was replaced during my last OHS with my St. Jude. It is in a jar in my refrigerator in formaldehyde (sp?). Don't know why I still have it as it is a little odd but I would not think of getting rid of it. Unless, of course, Shiley decided it was worth some money to get it back for some strange reason. :eek: ;)

I don't think there is any assumed contract that requires valves to be returned to the manufacturer. Of course, we could make the decision to offer it to them for testing but that would be our choice.

But keepping a metal valve in formaldehyde in the refrigerator is! :eek: :D

Hank should have a area where we could post pictures of our old valves and a
little information about it. Kind of like The VR Museum. :)
RCB said:
But keepping a metal valve in formaldehyde in the refrigerator is! :eek: :D

Hank should have a area where we could post pictures of our old valves and a
little information about it. Kind of like The VR Museum. :)

OK - so how would you store it? I have no experience with this stuff. I just stored it in the container the surgeon gave me.