Well here it is a day and a half away and I sit here at 220am worried as hell and cant stop crying.. I did all my preop this morning and all blood work and everything came back good so I am all set, but then they took me to CVICU and I kinda got to look inside but coulndt go in and just looking in there seeing one of the patients scared the hell out of me seeing all the tubes and everything hooked up to him.... But I did talk to the surgeon today and he just reassured me everything would go ok and I know it probably will but Im scared and I just feel like a baby sitting here crying... but I guess that would be expected.. they might take me to a loony bin if i were excited for the surgery.. its all so real now though since its only a day and a half away.. and to be exact 30 and a half hours... thats too short for me... and i read all the time about how many people make it through surgery and yet i still sit here and think something will go wrong... I do things to keep my mind off of it and it still seems to come to me anyhow.. ah well... I will post tomorrow to say my goodbyes for the 5-7 days that I am gone... Much love, Jaque