Crisis....Please pray!

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Missy Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2001
New Mexico
My daughter in law has been diagnosed with kidney, both lungs and lymph gland cancer. They have been treating her for kidney stones which she doesn't have. She has been accepted into M D Anderson Hospital in Houston, Tx. She has a 5% chance. And I was wondering if maybe my friends on here would pray for her. She is a precious special person. A fine daughter in law. I love her very much.
I haven't been on here much lately as I have had so much on my mind and have been away from home. I will be on more the next few days. Then away again. Thanks all.

My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.

I hope you and the rest of your family find strength in the love of others at this time. I know that when my mother was diagnosed with the very same type of cancer the support of others was so important to me.

Take care
You have my families thoughts and prayers also Missy.
This is a tough situation to face for anyone.
Dear Missy:

Our prayers will be with your family over the next weeks.

Try to remember to take care of yourself a bit, so that you will have something to give others.

Peace be with you.

Dear Missy-

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. What a tragedy this is. May God be with you.
Dear Missy - I lost my Joe to cancer and it was devastating. We engaged Hospice the last six months of his life and the nurse and related staff became members of our family. If this is available to you, perhaps you might do a bit of looking into getting their services. They are so helpful in making it possible to cope in a good way. We knew our time together was limited and were able to take full advantage of the year we had to prepare, say all those things we should've said when we were in good health - but so many of us just don't. Hospice shows the way. this is not to say that your daughter-in-law is going to leave you; it may turn out that she will eventually be just fine. We all get a miracle now and then. I pray she will be with you for years. All of us in here know the life and death path that we traveled and the value of living each day to the fullest, no matter the state of our health. Celebrate her life, love her every day and tell her so. She and your family are in my prayers. God bless and keep you all while you go through this. Please keep in touch as you can. Hensylee
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We add our prayers for your family's courage and strength and miracles during this difficult time. May you all feel each other's love.
Prayers for you and your daughter in-law.

Prayers for you and your daughter in-law.

Dear Missy,

Heartfelt prayers will be said for you and your precious daughter in-law. I'll pray that she will pull through. Like others have told you, miracles still exist and I hope one will be performed for your daughter in-law.
Please take special care of yourself, so you won't get overtired.

Please keep us updated.

Congenital Aortric Stenosis
AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
St.Jude's Mechanical
My prayers are with you.

My prayers are with you.

Missy, I just read all the posts before me, and as you can tell we all will be there with you. And all of our prayers too. So sorry all this is happening. Hang in there.
May God be with you, your faimily and especially, your daughter-in-law.

Prayers and Hugs

Prayers and Hugs

Missy, Please know that our prayers and cyber hugs are coming your way for your daughter-in-law and your whole family. May God be with you and yours as you fight the good fight.