cramping in my chest

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Hi guys, I have another question for you. I've been under a little bit of stress and I have been having some numbness and cramping in accross my chest, but it goes down my right arm, and my left leg. ANy ideas or am I just freaking out over nothing? My cholesterol is 220, and my uncle and my grandpa both had aortic anuerysms. Just wondering. Take it easy!
I think I'd freak too! Have you contacted your Doc about this? Is this the first time this has happened? :eek:
Now, Joy, listen to me - you ARE a smart child and you KNOW what to do. So get on the phone first thing tomorrow. Hear, now? May be nothing at all, but won't hurt to at least ask questions.


Joy, I had an aneurysm..No signs of cramping or numbness....Got lucky and my cardiologist found the little sucker..:p :p :p He's history now..Have you strained yourself..Sometimes if I reach out to windex window..or mirror I may pull a muscle in arm..feel down into my chest. scary..And STRESS:p :p :p puts a lot of pressure on us Valvers:( :( :( So try to:cool: :cool: :cool: it until Kevin comes home:D :D :D BUT call a doctor if it keeps getting worse. Bonnie
Hi J....Haven't chatted with you in a bit....Your post sends up the hairs on the back of my other words, I know I would call and ask...may be nothing, but may be something. May be muscular, but may not. Check it out, please, girlfriend.

Come on Joy-

Remember my old saying. EVERYTHING means something to you guys and gals. Please call the doc. He's the expert and he's supposed to know what these symptoms mean. That's his job. Your's is to call him. You have little ones to care for.

If it turns out to be nothing, great. If it is something, then the doc can treat you. He can't help you if he doesn't know.

So call, OK?
Yup, I called, and they said that if I get lightheaded, to call 911, otherwise they would check me out really well tomorrow. I have an echo, and an appointment with my cardio tomorrow. WEll, While Erik is sleeping, I am going to take a nap...been a busy day.
Hope everything turns out OK, Joy. I'm glad you're going to go get checked out and head off any potential problems...
