couple prayers

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Good news, Lyn- I hope the round table comes up with good news too!
Lynlw said:
Justin is happy, he know gets in a few more weeks of snowboarding


Ahhh...the simple things in life ;).

Glad to know the news was good for you. Thoughts/prayers that the round table has equally good news.....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"Enough is enough, I can't take anymore" ... Alabama ... 'Can't Keep A Good Man Down'
I've got ...............

I've got ...............

my fingers crossed, toes crossed, eyes crossed................uwhhaivh..........okay, I uncrossed my eyes, but you get the picture. :D Throwing prayers in for the next two weeks, too. You know we will be looking for that update. Many hugs. J.
keeping you in prayer for more good news from the roundtable ... until then, I hope he is enjoying the snow!