Counting Down to July 26!

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Good evening all. I was referred to this board from some of my friends at I am scheduled for mital valve repair or replacement (Dr. says 50/50, or 49/51 either way).

I was diagnosed with MVP 20 years ago in Navy boot camp but never really gave it a second thought. Until earlier this year I started getting tired and having leg pains when I climbed the ladders to go on the ships. After my father (65) had bypass surgery in April, I figured I better have it checked. The result was that I am in atrial fib, secondary to the severe mitral regurge.

So, at 41 I'm getting everything together to get my surgery on July 26. Guess I couldn't let Dad be the only one with scar.

The wait is because I currently have a cold (first in a year!!), and because the surgeon wants me to make sure I don't have any outstanding dental work that needs done. Just as well, now I can go with my family on our summer vacation then roll straight to the surgery when we get back.

Because I am still active duty, the surgery will be at the Naval Hospital in Portsmouth, VA. I've met the Dr. (Peter F. Roberts) and from what I can read about him, he knows his stuff (Temple Med School, UC Davis Thoracic resident, has his name on some published papers). I've enjoyed some of the conversations here and look forward to learning more as I go.

Thanks, Chief

Welcome to Sounds like you have everything under control. I will add your surgery to our calendar. Let us know if anything changes.

Feel free to ask questions, vent or express concerns. We will be here to help you through.
Mornin, Chief. Welcome to VR. You have probably read much of the information here. If you have any questions, ask them. Our members are so helpful and we stay right with you all the way over the mountain. It is an awesome journey and nearly all are glad they have climbed it. How in the world did they keep you for 20 yrs w/o finding this? Thank you for your service to our great country. blessins.....
I've known about the MVP for years. Mostly through my own ignorance I never knew/thought to check it regularly with echos. I figured that when I made it through a physical explaining the MVP and not being told I had a murmur, it was ok. Guess not!


As a veteran(vietnam) who just had mitral valve repair June 6th at the VA hosp. in La Jolla, Ca. I am glad you found this place. Not sure if I could have made it over the mountain top without the folks here. My doctor was awesome. any info I can give you let me know. I am here to help.

It looks like we will both start climbing that mountain on 7/26. We can compare notes in post surgery.

Good luck, I will include you in my prayers.
