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We've got our plane tickets purchased, hotel room reserved, surgery scheduled for Oct. 3rd and are leaving tomorrow. I am SO glad that I found this website. You guys are keeping me least partially sane. LOL Even my husband who normally doesn't let things get him down, is nervous. I'm taking my laptop with so I plan on letting all of you know how things go. Best of luck to all of you whereever you are in your journey. It's a challenging one but it helps to have the support of this group.

This web site is a godsend for many of us!
Praying for an event free surgery/recovery!
See you on the other side of the mountain:)

Wishing you and your husband all the very best as you start this adventure. I am sure things will be just fine and back on the road home before you know it.

My thoughts and prayers are with both of you on this journey.
Remember, head Up and one step at time.
Don't forget to inform us but only when you have the time
Best wished, Shelly. He will do fine and we look forward to your reports from the other side of the mountain!
GOOD JOB getting that all put together so fast for your husband!!!! Wonderful. He is in good hands....with you and with CC.

So glad you will be posting to let us know how it goes. We worry.

Don't be shy about asking questions, demanding answers and using your instincts those first few days when he is out of surgery. Just because you are at a reknowned facility, don't be intimidated to push for something if you sense that you need to. You are your husband's strong.

Best wishes going out to you both!

Thanks for all the good wishes and positive words!

My husband is going to wonder what's wrong with me. LOL I'm cleaning and it's not something I do very often now! LOL It's keeping me busy and it will be nice to come home to a somewhat clean house.

Thanks again!!
