Coumadin Rash?

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Dots vs rash

Dots vs rash

Sorry....I did see your post, and my cardiologist told me the same about the 'dots' not being worrysome.

Where my confusion came in was the 'rash' being discussed...these are two different things, right? These 'dots' do not go away..but evidently the'rash' does. Sorry to complicate this by my confusion.

Had the dots a few years back on both of my forearms. Not in rash form. This happened twice. INR was within normal range. It was not hot, so we ruled out the prickly heat.

Recent rash on the feet was a mystery. I was walking a ton and at times barefoot on the beach. The pools were so heavily chlorinated your eyes teared. Could have been nothing more that contract dermatitis. I have seen textbook pictures of the Coumadin Rash, and it defiantly resembled. Did not have any contact with sand fleas this time. Had that pleasure last year on Sanibel Island. If you get will know it. Non stop itching, for days.

All in all, had none of the above until starting coumadin. so???? Just another 'issue' to live with. I have learned to ignore most less serious issues as long as my INR is in check.
I'm going away for a few days. From the volume 0f e-mail that I get, I'm estimating that it will be early April before I catch up with all of it.

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