Couldn't ask for anything more!!! I'm on the other side!

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Thanks so much for the details. It gives the ones following an idea of what they will be going through.
Great news, Matt. Thanks for the update and give Lauramy best regards and a hug.

Just curious...was it due to the size that she eneded up with a bovine valve instead of a porcine?!

Anyhow, Congratulations!
Thank you Matt for the update. Sounds like she's doing fine and we'll be hearing more good news from her shortly. Send her best wishes from me!
Dear Laura, I thought of you all day yesterday, I am so glad everything went well!! Have hubby keep giving us updates!! Take care Debbie :)
Thanks so much for the details. It gives the ones following an idea of what they will be going through.

Yes, so true. Appreciate the great news, so happy for Laura and encourages
us who still have this in our future. Tell Laura she continues to be in thoughts
and prayers as she recovers. Laura
Thanks so much for the update Matt. I'm so glad to hear how well Laura is doing and I hope you've also managed to get some rest and decent food :)

However again her humor was still shining through, in talking with the nurse we learned that instead of a pig valve as we had expected , she received a valve from a cow, no sooner than I had made the comment that this would mean I could no longer use my pig jokes Laura mouthed ?Moo Moo?.

:D the did the same switch on me too. I think my SO was most disappointed he couldn't call me Miss Piggy anymore (oh yeah... and I was devastated too :rolleyes:). Not sure why they did the switch, but the new one seems to be working just fine and dandy, which is what we all want.

Hope the rest of Laura's recovery goes just as smoothly and that she is back home with you soon.

Wishing you both the best,

A : )
That is wonderful news - sounds like Laura is off to a great start.
Ross... Just wanted to let you know as we are in a teaching hospital Laura has had some mightly fine nurses, good thing it is not me in the bed with the heart problems as my heart skips a beat every time a new one walks in! :D
Great news, Matt. Thanks for the update and give Lauramy best regards and a hug.

Just curious...was it due to the size that she eneded up with a bovine valve instead of a porcine?!

Anyhow, Congratulations!

Yes based on size a bovine was necessary... not sure at what point in size they switch over but keep in mind they utilize piglets and calves for the valves so size is definately a deciding factor.

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