Couldn't ask for anything more!!! I'm on the other side!

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2009
This is Hubby Matt with an update?

Laura reported to the hospital at 5:15a yesterday for her 8:30a surgery. The first update came at noon when she was successfully placed on bypass and the true work began. The next update was at around 3p and she was off of bypass and all was going well (time to close her up.) At around 4p we spoke with the surgeon in person and learned all had gone to plan! No unexpected twists. They were just closing the skin and we would be able to see her soon.

Around 5:30p we were ushered to the surgical ICU. Laura was awake and already requesting off the ventilator. By that point the vent settings were very low and she was doing the majority of the work. The pulmonologist had informed her that she needed to prove/show her she was ready to come off for another hour or so. Every time she would take a good large breath the vent would alarm. It was quite humorous to watch Laura as every time the pulmonologist would come in the room to watch the readout on the vent it was non-stop alarms, there was Laura doing everything she could to prove that she could come off the vent. The vent was removed at around 8p with no complications and was greeted with a huge smile from Laura.

While we were waiting for the vent to be removed Laura was very limited in her ability to communicate she tried some writing which was difficult (especially with all the pain meds and anesthetic still in her system.) However again her humor was still shining through, in talking with the nurse we learned that instead of a pig valve as we had expected , she received a valve from a cow, no sooner than I had made the comment that this would mean I could no longer use my pig jokes Laura mouthed ?Moo Moo?.

The night went well and this morning at around 9:30a she was moved from the bed into a chair. No sooner than this 10 min task was completed the x-ray techs showed up to perform a stomach x-ray which she needed to be lying down for. They were told they would have to come by later.

Based on her progress thus far she has been moved normal room out of the ICU this morning as well! Less than 24 hours in the ICU. The expectation is to possibly have her up walking later today

For those of you looking for more details at the high level they replaced her pulmonary valve with a 29 bovine valve (the largest one made) and they were able to repair the tricuspid valve with an angioplasty ring, and last but not least performed a right sided maze procedure. Her incision was closed via glue. Before moving from the ICU this morning they removed the arterial line from her neck, the arterial line from her arm, and her Foley. This leaves her with the two heart drains (talking they will pull those within the next 24hrs) a standard IV, o2 nasal canula, and EKG leads
Wow! Thanks Matt for the update. I was starting to get a little worried. I am sooooo glad to hear that all went as planned. Tell Laura to go slowly, but I'm sure as per your description, she will do just fine. Give her a kiss when you see her:D
Thanks enormously for the very complete and detailed update. I found myself logging in about ever 3 hours yesterday for news, so I am really happy to see this posted this morning. Little Owl and I send our best wishes to you both and your family. Woopee! Laura's on this side of the Mountain!
So glad to finally hear that Laura is outta surgery and doing so well. I know she was scared and but I also know she had the love and support of a TON of people!! Thank you so much for posting and let her know that we are all thinking about her and some of us will be drinking a toast to her! Make sure she takes it easy and does not try to do more than she should!!!
What a wonderfully lighthearted and detailed report!! Thank you SO much for taking the time out of your completely busy and emotional day to let us know how well your wife had come through her surgery.


Best wishes to you all.

Sounds like everything is going great. Tell her to take it easy, and to hang in there. We hope to have another update as soon as you can. Good luck & God Bless. :D
Matt - we can read the joy and relief in your post. Thanks so much for updating us. We do tend to stew a little until we hear our VR family member is over the mountain and doing well. I wish her a smooth recovery. God bless!
Thanks, Matt, for the update. I was starting to get worried!:eek: Tell her we now have something besides a residence in Wisconsin in common--a bovine valve!:p:p
What good news. So very happy to hear how well she is doing. Can absolutely 'hear' the relief pouring from you. Good Job.
Thanks for the update! Im so glad all went well. Tell here we are waiting for her!!
Matt- thanks for the detailed and upbeat update. Best wishes and prayers for a continued uneventful recovery. Keep us updated when you can.

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