message from grand penny
message from grand penny
July 03, 2006 at 09:05 PM EDT
Dear Carepage Family,
I must confess that I have struggled over the past few days with doubting the wisdom of the services and burial rituals which would take place today. The preparations were tiring and seemed to drain T&T, and certainly myself. I felt that I could not face it. But as often, I was wrong. God AGAIN provided amazing Grace, Strength and Peace and the healing process has begun. But better yet, God has been glorified. In addition to the hundreds of messages placed on this carepage to comfort and encourage us, I received a very special phone call, all the way from Ireland, from dear Pastor David to start my day focused on the Lord.
I am especially pleased that our church has made the testimonies, a special song, and the pastor's message available to listen or download on our website (there are gaps between each one, be patient). Many have written about our faithfulness or strength and we pray that by sharing today's memorial service with you, you will be blessed, it will help you celebrate Corbin's life, and may help you understand our peace and comfort from the Lord.
(cut and paste the following link into your browser)
The pastor mentions an article about infants going to heaven. You can read that article at:
You will hear an example of the wonderful, Godly teachings we receive regularly from our pastors -- those which have helped to prepare us for trials such as these.
Today God was as amazing as He's been every other day. My only regret was that I did not get to speak with every guest. Many I spoke with, many I hugged, many I saw and others I hope signed the guest books. I am so grateful for and thank God for each one who came, and we are all overwhelmed by the outpouring of love. We had our pastors and church family, the pastor and wife from T&T's NC church, EVERY MEMBER of the extended Grabb family from 3 states, 5 of Terri's siblings from Michigan and Arizona, my nephew and brother, friends from The Harvester and Immanuel Bible and other churches, Travis' United Rental co-workers brought an entire fleet of UR vehicles for the procession, my business friends and customers, Corbin's pediatrician and staff, nurses who have served Corbin, and, unbelievably, many "heart moms" from Michigan, Massachusetts and Virginia, many others, each of whom we thank. Doctors and nurses from the hospital wrote testimonies which were read and family testimonies were later shared at the gravesite.
Lattany prepared the program, sweet Mary prepared the display which included the usual photos and baby toys PLUS his favorite sanitizer, surgical gloves and other hospital parephernalia. Our church family took care of every detail and prepared, hosted, served and cleaned up a reception/meal for hundreds. Such awesome evidence of God's grace and provision and we were richly blessed.
I don't expect to post again on this carepage, unless it's to share a message on Corbin's upcoming second birthday. I will continue to read your messages and I want each of you to know how special you are to us, how well you have served us, how much you have encouraged us, comforted us, and cared for us. It is our desire that each of you will know God's perfect peace. I welcome personal e-mail messages from you. My two greatest prayers have been answered: Corbin has received perfect healing, and God has been glorified THIS day.