Welcome Hearfelt!!
The beauty of all of this is there really are no rules!!! We weigh in once a week on Fridays. As you will see everybody relays their progress or lack there of in different ways.
You don't have to list your weight but some do. We have loads of fun and I'm sure you will too. We joke and jab back and forth but it is all in good fun and underneath is an earnest desire to improve out overall heath and get down to the correct weight. So jump in and welcome to the "losers club"
Oh I almost forgot........Pune Juice is a banned substance by directive of "The Ref"
The beauty of all of this is there really are no rules!!! We weigh in once a week on Fridays. As you will see everybody relays their progress or lack there of in different ways.
Oh I almost forgot........Pune Juice is a banned substance by directive of "The Ref"