EVELYN said:Hi All
EVELYN checking in here. Have been reading about Cooker's throwdown for a few months now, and have "thrown" my weight into the hat.
Joined WWatchers and would like to report I'm 2.4 down from last week. So, that's a really good thing. I'm just trying to exercise (walking the dogs 2 miles a walk, 4 days a week) and especially trying to EAT HEALTHY. One day a week I splurge, but not crazily, and then try to get back on track the next morning.
Today was ww yogurt, banana, and one thing I especially love ....FIBER ONE BARS. They're 2 points, full of fiber, and absolutely delicious. The chocolate and oats definitely satisfy the "c h o c o l a t e gremlin" and I really feel full after for a loong time. They also make a peanut/oats combo, but if given the choice between chocolate and pb, well chocolate wins hands down.
Anyway, if you all want to give them a try, I highly recommend them.
I'm glad I'm joining this second support group.....I'm in it for better or worse.
Hey, Evelyn!
I'm glad you're joining us, and that you have a weight loss to report on your first Friday Throw Down!
Thanks for the head-up on the Fiber One bars. I'll pick some up on my next trip to the store.