Returned from the doctor, said I look great, could loose more weight if I want. Snapped a sternum wire, thought so back in March, My BP up, for some reason 135/80, and he's schedualing a colonsomy thing (yay!) Got my check out stats from Cardio Rehab, initial results in March, discharge in Sept.
weight initial-231.5 lbs, discharge 196lb (now)
waist initial 42 in., now 38
fasting blood sugar initial 5.3, 5.5 now less than 6 target
total cholestyerol initial 3.59, 3.61 now target less than 4
Triglycerides 1.04 initial, 1.05 now target less than 1.71
HDL good cholesterol initial 1.27, now 1.33 target greater than 1.29
LDL bad cholesterol initial 1.85 now 1.80 target less than 2.0
HDL ratio initial 2.83, now 2.71 target less than 4
BP 110/70
smoking yes and yes-next thing!
stress yes and yes. Don't know if that'll ever get better.