Cooker's Throwdown Friday III -- 9-22

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Hopefully, the intrepid, always inspiring Chimp will return to this space soon to save you from whiny Superbob. I don't feel like I'm worthy to be starting the Throwdown, but here I am starting it for those of you who are so faithful about posting your weights and observations.

The week has been eventful for ancient SB, if not exactly a barrel of laughs. Doctor's appointment was the most devastating since the one back in '04 when a Cambodian-native cardio told me I'd need heart surgery soon and exactly the complicated kind I'd have to have. So many numbers were heading in wrong direction this time that I'll not bore you with the details. Anyway, on the weight front, the nurse tried to be upbeat by saying, "Oh good news -- you've maintained." In other words, I'd not gained since the last appointment three months ago. Well, of course, that wasn't exactly good news, given my TD ups and downs. But there was a sliver of silver this morning, when I was down 2 from the last time I'd weighed on my own scales.

Maybe that's because I've been put on Lasix. Why my legs are swollen, I have no clue. Have to have an ultrasound done on them tomorrow. That's a first. Also, supposed to have another echo...and my experiences with the erratic results from them haven't been reassuring. And there's more...but I've already been too much of a downer.

So where's the optimism? -- the Chimp is needed here. This may be the last time I do this.

Hope all of the stalwart Throwdowners have had a good week.

Oh shoot! -- how do you edit a headline? With my addled brain, I headlined this the 9-22 Throwdown -- of course, it shoudl be the 7-22 Throwdown. Anybody know how to correct that -- have connections with Hank, perhaps, that I seem not to have?
Whiner? No. SB with a lot on his plate? Yes. You are dealing a lot of issues. It's okay to talk about them. We are friends here.

About the thread title, I didn't even notice it was wrong until you mentioned it...LOL.

The last I heard, the chimp was on an eating tour somewhere in the eastern half of the country...hehe.

I have done miserably this week. I may just wait until next week to weigh. I really do need to get it together.
Whiner? No. SB with a lot on his plate? Yes. You are dealing a lot of issues. It's okay to talk about them. We are friends here.

About the thread title, I didn't even notice it was wrong until you mentioned it...LOL.

The last I heard, the chimp was on an eating tour somewhere in the eastern half of the country...hehe.

I have done miserably this week. I may just wait until next week to weigh. I really do need to get it together.

I totally agree with, Wise. You have a lot going on right now. Hope all your tests come back okay and that nothing serious is wrong with you. Keep us loser posted.

I will weigh in tomorrow...........
SB, why haven't you told us more before now? We're here for stuff like that or have you forgotten? We are a subset on a heart forum you know.

I didn't notice the title error either. I suggest we leave it alone and scare the CRAP out of Cooker when he returns. He'll see it and think he's been in a food induced coma for months! I had a message saying he had eaten 50% of all available food in the state of PA. The good citizens are probably willing to swap locusts for chimps about now.

I weighed yesterday. 156. I think that's about where I was when we started the last great race. I've had some trouble fighting the carbohydrates the past few weeks. Not sure what that's about.

I think the heat has us all down. Everyone hang tight for awhile. I need you.
SB, why haven't you told us more before now? We're here for stuff like that or have you forgotten? We are a subset on a heart forum you know.


I didn't tell more because until I went to the doc Tuesday, I thought all was going pretty well, except possibly for blowing out my knee on the exercise bike. He concluded instead of a blowout that I had fluid retention in both legs, my anemia is still increasing, my blood sugar is worsening, and my thyroid, though improving, isn't normal yet. I've never thought about fluid retention much but I gather this can be a serious heart issue, a result of the ticker failing to distribute blood properly. I'm taking the fluid pills, have an ultrasound of the legs tomorrow, and an echo (oh joy) the first of August. And yes this is all pretty damn depressing. :mad2: I guess the fact that the scales didn't show gain this morning is a little bit of good news -- this should make me weigh every day, to check if fluid is accumulating. Oh yes, the doc also was worried about a possible blood clot and forbade me to drive my Tennessee granddaughter to the Charleston airport yesterday. My DIL kindly stepped in for me.
SuperBob, we need you to get back to your "Super" self again. On your behalf I had a low cal plate of scrambled eggs,
broccoli, melted cheese, and half of a whole wheat bun. Yummy-licious. ;)
Hi Everyone, especially SuperBob, you're doing a GREAT JOB in the Chimps absense. We're a motly bunch to take care off besides yourself. Good news, I'm down to 207, a 2lb drop since last week. I'm basking in the achievement and the Ontario heat wave pondering where I'm going now. Bob
Hi Everyone, especially SuperBob, you're doing a GREAT JOB in the Chimps absense. We're a motly bunch to take care off besides yourself. Good news, I'm down to 207, a 2lb drop since last week. I'm basking in the achievement and the Ontario heat wave pondering where I'm going now. Bob

Great job, CanoeBob! I hope to be making some progress myself in coming weeks.

"Ontario heat wave" -- wow, that sounds crazy. Take care!
I am up 1lb today. 163 today. Oh Well !..................................... Take care everyone and have a nice weekend !

Good job- CanoeBob
Duffey- Good job maintaining your weight
Superman- Hang in there and stay strong. We're crossing our fingers and saying a prayers hoping for good results . Make sure you keep us posted.
Were is the Chimp ? Is he hanging on a shady tree trying to keep cool....
I am up 1lb today. 163 today. Oh Well !..................................... Take care everyone and have a nice weekend !

Good job- CanoeBob
Duffey- Good job maintaining your weight
Superman- Hang in there and stay strong. We're crossing our fingers and saying a prayers hoping for good results . Make sure you keep us posted.
Were is the Chimp ? Is he hanging on a shady tree trying to keep cool....

A pound is nothing -- we're all entitled to comfort food in this blasted heat wave!
I'm back and glad to be home!! We had a great time and I ate ate ate everything I could:thumbup: .... Below is a rough draft of our journey ... I will weigh tomorrow:redface2:

Left Columbia via I-77 Saturday 7-16-11 and landed in Marietta OH, spent the night. From there drove up the Ohio River on scenic road OH 7 north. Drove on Sunday to Holmes county Ohio on OH 39 and settle in Berlin OH (the largest Amish population in the USA).
Spent Sunday and Monday in Berlin OH. Nothing goes on there on Sunday so we just drove around but on Monday we took a tour which included two Amish homes. One was a farm that was not working but had all the animals, buggy rides, home tour of unoccupied but furnished home with a working kitchen where Amish girls were baking goodies to sell and an Amish school house Then left on a bus tour of the country side which included stops at a leather shop and candle shop. The final stop was at a working Amish dairy farm where we ate in the home of Eli and Anna May. The food was as authentic as it gets, home made bread with peanut butter spread, garden salad with choice of two home made dressings, delicious whipped potatoes with brown butter and gravy, roast beef and gravy, chicken fried and baked, noodles, green beans and dessert was two crust grape pie, pecan coconut pie and chocolate cream pie. The beverages were tea, water and lemon aid all cool but no ice. After dinner it was back to the motel and lights out.

Tuesday we ended up in Cleveland and took a boat tour of Lake Erie and the river (muddy from rain) which is used to transport goods inland. Spent Tuesday night in Erie and went to Presque Isle Wednesday morning. Left Presque Isle headed for Niagara Falls NY and viewed the falls from upper and lower levels. We did not go on the Maid Of The Mist boat tour as we had done it before. Drove back to Erie Wednesday night. We did not know the upstate PA and NY had so many vineyards, shame we don’t drink wine!

Left Erie Thursday morning headed south. Stopped and viewed New River Gorge in West Virginia. Stopped in Wytheville VA and spent the night. Friday morning it was off to the Blue Ridge Parkway and Boone NC. From Boone back to home sweet home Columbia!!

Total miles, 2070.

Bob, sorry to hear of your troubles and will have you in my prayers ... keep you chin up!!!!
We ate junk food the entire time we were on the road with the exception of our meal at the Amish home ... other than that it was fast food, Little Debbie cakes, Oreo's and candy ... my weight is AWFUL!!!! ...

I weighed in this morning at 219 ... Holy Ship!!!!!!!! .... but to day I was a good little chimp and ate very little and all good wholesome foods ...

:thumbup:I AM DECLARING WAR ON FAT:thumbup:​

How do you spell disgusted? ....... COOKER:mad2:
Greetings ... yesterday was filled with trying to get the house in order from the re-mod and now two days of chilling and getting back on the diet (eating right) track ...

Sounds like we have a few up and a few down ... congrats to the losers and to the gainers I say count yourselves fortunate, you could be in the same spot TheChimp is:eek2: ....

I am going to try and report in daily because I think I may be serious about my weight / health and daily reporting and accountability may help ... I'm down 1.75 today ... started today with fruit and a fiber bar and no it wasn't cobbler:tongue2:

Do we want to start another race? several have said that helps and we seem to have more participation when we are sprinting ... It's your call .... Have a great day and if you are in this dreadful heat stay cool, drink water and don't overdue!!!

Post Vacation Weight: 219
Today's weight:217.25:thumbup:
I say YES to another race. This is my best defense against gaining everything back. Good for you Cooker, I think reporting in every day may be a winning strategy. Maybe I will do that too. I just cancelled my latest Weight Watchers membership. No use paying money if I quit counting points, which has been the case for the last two weeks. Man, I only make friends with other foodaholics. No complaint, they're my kind of people!! I would like to lose this squishy gut and man ****s though.
I'm glad you're back on track, Cooker. I've done pretty well with eliminating most of my carbs from my diet, but I'm starting to slip. It is beginning to feel a little monotonous.

I'm ready for a race. How about a quickie? To Labor Day?
I say YES to another race. This is my best defense against gaining everything back. Good for you Cooker, I think reporting in every day may be a winning strategy. Maybe I will do that too. I just cancelled my latest Weight Watchers membership. No use paying money if I quit counting points, which has been the case for the last two weeks. Man, I only make friends with other foodaholics. No complaint, they're my kind of people!! I would like to lose this squishy gut and man ****s though.

Wise, I'm with you!!! The "moobs" got to go!!!!!

I'm glad you're back on track, Cooker. I've done pretty well with eliminating most of my carbs from my diet, but I'm starting to slip. It is beginning to feel a little monotonous.

I'm ready for a race. How about a quickie? To Labor Day?

Great idea Duffster ... you are on!!!!

Bring it on ! I'm ready for a race losers......

PS: Welcome back Chimp !

Thanks Nelson ... race is on !!!!!!!!
Two days of eating right, no snacks and being as active as my stove up muscles will let me has me going in the right direction ... I'm down another 2.25 today for a total of 4 pounds:thumbup:

Post Vacation Weight: 219
Today's weight:215

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