Ok, I think I get it, some of us in Eatern Canada are not too bright, eh!, the west is smarter methinks
so try this on for size:
Maple syrup dribbled over vanilla ice cream
Suger pies and buttertarts, additionally flavoured with maple Syrup (it is proper spelling on "flavoured", trust me, we also say "Z" properly, and properly spell withought properly, trust me again) smile
Montreal style bagels and Montreal style smoked meat (you won't believe it until you try it and they do ship)
Poutine (french fries, covered in rich brown sauce and topped with cheeze curds (guranteed to make your arteries, jam up quick, but so yummy)
yummy on all of the above, now where's that darn scale
P.S. been there done it on chicken fried steak, TX delicacy i believe? or so they told me, who the hell thought that one up? hell the only export from Austin i can think of is Dr. Pepper...good cherry coke and the diet Dr. Pepper not so bad either
(food fight, yeah, just like animal house movie, ooops that crazy bugger was Canadian also, must be the winters, makes us a little crazy
now, I'll quiet down and have my yogurt and bran cerial...sure beats that little red pill (grin)
but Texas comedians rock and Texans in general are the nicest folks i've met generally ....love the gun rack and pickups, novel idea, never know when you'll run across a grizzly or something (smile)
But seriously love Texas, probably where i'd live or Arizona, but neither will have me...Florida not so sure, Carolinas, too humid and they drive crazy
did i understand the thread, sorta, y'all have a great day now!