Cooker's Throwdown Friday III -- 11-19

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Seeing no Chimp here in the zoo this morning, The Man of Steel has decided to exercise his superhero prerogative and start the week's thread himself. Hope you are okay, Mr. Chimp, just busy, or maybe out feasting in the banana groves. :D

Superbob is pleased to say he has lost the two pounds he found last week, plus another .4.

Lot going on-- dental work today, c-scan tomorrow, now fighting a cold on top of everything -- but sure is good to see those numbers down. Taking to heart my cardiologist's advice that I sure don't want any clogged arteries developing -- have never had those.

Thank goodness for the Throwdown. It helps keep SB centered.

Hope all of you are having good weeks. Thanksgiving is next week, oh my, and then we are on the express to Christmas! :eek::smile2:
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Cooker's Throwdown Friday III -- 11-19

Greetings Throwdowners ... here is hoping that you are well and making progress on your individual plan / goal ... I have not been watching my weight very much and have gained but the weight seems to be stabilizing, for now ... maybe I can get a downward trend going ... have a great week and good luck ... :cool2:
I don't want to check in!!!!
I've been behaving, really I have, but I'm up almost 3 lbs this week. I SWEAR it's water. I tried to reduce the lasix as the cardiologist wants me to do, but every time I back off, I blow up.
And the lasix alone doesn't keep it off the way the lasix/spironolactone combo does. And the cardo wants me off the Spiro. entirely, if I can.
Bob and I started the thread at the same time. Please post to his as I have asked Hank to delete mine and transfer posts to the one SuperBob started.... Sorry for the confussion....​
Superbob is proud to report that he has lost the two pounds he found last week, plus another .4.

Superbob jumped the gun and started the thread in another post. Let's all post in The Chimp's thread....

Oh shucks, sorry for the's all my bad.
Way to go, Superbob! :smile2:

Laurie, I understand perfectly what you're saying. Fluid is the PITS!:thumbd:

Mr. Chimp, it's good to read that you're "stabilizing". Interesting to consider what a stabilized Cooker looks and acts like.:tongue2:

As for me, I stayed the same. 159 last week; 159 this week.
Staying the same is often the best thing possible, Duffey. Way to go.

Laurie, that sounds like just a blip in your consistent progress. That "spiro" seems to be a potent med. DW has had to discontinue it 'cause it was doing a number on her stomach.
The challenges of life are taking their toll on TheChimps's waist line :eek2:... I refuse to get on the scale but I know I have gained A LOT ... but my eating is getting under control ... Congrats SB on your loss !!! ... I have much to be thankful for and you guys are at the top of the list ... I will try to continue to curb my eating between now and turkey day but no promises:redface2: .... I just can't report right now, it would be to depressing to see it in purple and white:biggrin2:
Drawing on his superpowers, Superbob hereby awards The Chimp a mulligan. :wink2: No worries, Mr. Chimp; we know you'll bring it all back under control and continue to be our inspiration.
Good going Superbob. Mary, I agree with SB, staying the same is a good thing. Cooker, I understand your dilemma having been there too many times to count on the hands of all the people I know. Stress is a four letter word that just happens to have five and will drive you to eat.

As for me, I'm trending to be about the same as last week. I have strayed from my new eating regimen, but nothing is wanting to budge from my fat cells either. Time is on my side, I guess.
Here is a question guys.... Do any of you feel like your upper body strength is fading with age? ... I seem to get sore very easy and I definitely do not have the strength I once had ... I have started some very light strength training (at home) with dumbbells, I know I need to start very slow and I know not to do it everyday but I have to something or I will not be able to lift a fork to my mouth:eek2:
Hi all,

Ok, I have a lot to loose!!! (take that as you wish!) :):)

I'll join this throwdown...but as it's my first week, I'll tell you all that I can't tell how much I've gained or lost since last week, since I've not been keeping track!

My task for tomorrow is to weigh in...but I know I'm about 45 kilograms overweight... That's over 100lbs for those of you who don't speak metric...

I'll appreciate any and all encouragement on the way...but how do you avoid the christmas goodies (and the week in Switzerland with my godson the week afterwards - all that Swiss chocolate!!!)


Great to have you with us, David! This is indeed the International Throwdown. We have had participants from countries all around the globe. Don't have any magical advice about partaking of holiday goodies. Guess it all comes back to that one word: moderation.

Cooker, of course a superhero iike Superbob wouldn't know about strength loss. :D But seriously if you are having noticeable strength loss, I would talk to my doctor about it. I had gradually increasing weights to lift in cardiac rehab, and now can handle pretty heavy boxes, though DW screams at me not to lift anything heavier than a feather. :rolleyes: I guess until I get the results of today's CT-Scan of the ascending aorta (possible aneurysm) back, I probably should listen to her.

Take care, Mr. Chimp -- don't push it too hard, and get the doctor's analysis.
Welcome David! You've come to the right group of loonies if you want to lose weight and have fun along the way.

Regarding the need to lose 45 kilograms, you can do it! Regarding the holiday goodies, you don't avoid them. If you do that you may eventually over indulge after you've given in. What I believe most people should do is to factor in the goodies in their eating plan. Count them in your daily allotment, however it is you'll be tracking, i.e. calories, points, etc., or allow yourself a special treat once a week. You're better off to allow yourself some of what you like than to be done in by unnecessary self deprivation.

Best wishes on your weight loss journey!
David, welcome to the Throwdown!!! ... Glad you have joined our merry band of losers:biggrin2:

SB, I can still lift a 50 pound bag of sugar with no problem but I just don't feel I'm as strong as I should be ... I see the doctor in March for a Lipitor liver test so I will mention it to her ...

TheChimp has decided that his goal is now to lose 40 more pounds ... guess TheChimps weight and get a donation sent to VR in your name:thumbup:

Trouble ... rumors have it that Chick-Fil-A is introducing a banana pudding milkshake:eek2::eek2::eek2:
Ok, time for our man of steel to check in.

No C-Scan results til Monday afternoon at the soonest Duffster. I tried to sweet talk the tech into giving me some numbers (test numbers, not a phone number), but she wouldn't do it. Guess Superbob is losing his magnetism. :p I am beginning to feel like this is just another scare -- otherwise, why wait all weekend (oh, I know, the golf courses around here are a sawbone's paradise)....anyway, whatever.

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