I am the same,but I actually feel like I've gained...my clothes seem a little tighter,etc.
I have been listening to everyone's advice regarding dieting in moderation.
And I know it to be good advice for most. However,my mom, who is also
hypothyroid, finally succeeded in losing her 25 pounds that she gained a
three years ago.When pressed,she finally layed out her strategy, (which
would could be dangerous to a person with a normal functioning metabolism)
to eat NO sugar,NO bread,NO potatoes,very little past/rice(1/2 cup),veggies,
beans,poultry,dairy AND she did not eat over 700 calories a day

She exercised moderately-at the gym for an hour 3/4 days a week.
I know that to you this sounds insane,but she had tried many different
diets for over a year before taking it to this extreme.
So, I am at the end of my rope,tired at looking at myself,and I am going to
try it. Starting tomorrow,Sunday,I need God on my side

Wanted you guys to know I have decided to switch gears,and if I have
positive(negative) results. For anyone reading this just know that I am
not an average case, and what may be healthy for me may be harmful
to others.
Wish me luck-Dina
Cooker-please don't mention "Ritz Crackers" it's profanity, a real
diet -stopper. What about Ritz with preserves AND cream cheese..
Also--- no xanax,it causes edema!