Cooker's ThrowDown Friday II.....1-23-09

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Drats, it's happening again. Stepped on the scale - up over a pound. However, given the fact that I've been eating very healthy and wise, I'm chalking it up to exercise muscle weight. I've been doing stair stepping with my Air Climber contraption. Since it's really working the large muscles of the leg - I'm pretty sure it's muscle weight. But it still isn't very encouraging to see the scale #'s. Logically I know the truth, emotionally it's still discouraging.

Dr. Oz mentions in his book that if you don't have a lot of weight to lose and start exercising that you may even gain weight at first, but that eventually you should start losing. This is why he recommends using body measurements - particularly the waist to judge how healthy you are instead of pounds (or stones or Kg's). For women the ideal waist is 32.5" for men it is 35 (this is measured at the belly button - which for me is not the narrowest part of my body - that's up about 2 inches - but I measure there anyway)

For women after 37 inches in waist size is when health risks go way up. For men it's 40.

I've lost 1/2 inch in my "waist" in about a week and a half. I started out at 36.5", now I'm at 36". If I were ever 32.5 I think I'd be rail thin because even at my most fit I wasn't 32.5.
Yeah ,I have just recently got wise to using a tape measure more regularly
than the scale,and I am also a little below the danger number at 36".
Since I can't do some of the more strenuous exercises,like stairs,I end
up 'starving' all day long.I am eating small,healthy low cal meals,but I stay
at a constant level of hunger most of the day. Does anyone else experience
this? It could be that since my thyroid is slow this is just the way I am.
I remember reading that in about the 15th-18th centuries women would
purposely ingest a tape worm to keep themselves thin. 'Guess they had
trouble keeping a 17 inch waist for the fashion of the day. Even as much
as I would love to lose,I can not see myself swallowing one of those :eek:
Ever. Yuck. Something pleasant for everyone to picture...:D
Isn't history fun?
I had expected The Chimp to jump in here gleefully when we started talking about measuring things. Of course SB is only talking about his biceps, and only to make the point that waist measurements can be misleading. :D

I was going to answer, but reconsidered when I realized that I could maintain my good name ;) and reputation ;)while letting Cooker frolic around in the innuendo.:D:D
Wow - who's delusional here? What's your definition of the word "good"? :D
Wow - who's delusional here? What's your definition of the word "good"? :D

Didn't there used to be some distinction between a "good" girl and a "nice" girl? Superbob seems to remember something like that from his juvenile years, but that has been so long ago he doesn't remember...:eek::p

On this gray, icy, dreary day, WHERE IS THE CHIMP to give us a laugh, and clarify (or add to) all naughtiness? :confused::D
Didn't there used to be some distinction between a "good" girl and a "nice" girl? Superbob seems to remember something like that from his juvenile years
I think you are right SB. I believe that a "nice girl" either means difficult to
attain or implies that she may be off limits to those who don't belong to a
country club. And a "good girl" I think means she is pure but,in a more down
to earth way,andimplies that she has a sweet temperment.
eg--In the Archie comics; Veronica would be the 'nice girl', and Betty(my fav)
would be a 'good girl'.
Waddya think , is this the way it was or have I just read too many
Archie comics as a kid??
I think you are right SB. I believe that a "nice girl" either means difficult to
attain or implies that she may be off limits to those who don't belong to a
country club. And a "good girl" I think means she is pure but,in a more down
to earth way,andimplies that she has a sweet temperment.
eg--In the Archie comics; Veronica would be the 'nice girl', and Betty(my fav)
would be a 'good girl'.
Waddya think , is this the way it was or have I just read too many
Archie comics as a kid??

Ah yes, Veronica and Betty --- perfect explanation, Dina. Thanks for giving SB a memory jog. :)
Hi all! This is Chris. :)

How do I get involved with the ThrowDowns? I would like to lose some weight. I was as high as 232 lbs. in 1998 and as low as 169 lbs. in 2003. Currently I am about 205 lbs. I thought I had a big burst of water weight put on since January 1st (199 lbs.) up to 210 lbs. by 1/10. However, even with Lasix, I lost 5 lbs., and took a realistic look at my food consumption as of late. I think I can accept that 4 lbs. of that net gain is fat and perhaps 2 lbs. muscle gain due to use of Wii Fit. I would like to get below 180 lbs. before next year, perhaps by summer this year. It's realistic because I was involved with a Bible-based weight loss program called Weighdown Workshop. On that program I went from about 230 lbs. at the start in late 2001 and was at 170 lbs. only 16 months later. Half of the weight loss occurred during the 16 week program--the rest occurred over the next year. There was mutual encouragement and accountability, something I think I need again.

Before I forget, is there a way to propose a new ThrowDown? Who do I ask? I propose one for people who own a Wii and have the Wii Fit balance board and game. We could list results such as Wii Fit Age, BMI, actual scores such as how well certain strength exercises are done, Ski Jump distances and other balance games, aerobic games, yoga, etc. Since the game provides concrete numbers and is unencumbered by such things as tact or ego stroking (i.e. stating my BMI is "Obese" above 202 lbs. and "Overweight" below 202 lbs.), it would a means of honest impartial measurement of several areas of physical fitness with numerical results. Weight changes, Wii Fit Age (a measure of how steady and flexible your sense of balance is), and improved strength (better scores on the games and exercises) would all be mutually encouraged. It would be on the honor system to state what the Wii Fit says, and we'd cheer one another on to better scores and tips on how to improve particular exercises. Of course, it would keep us owners from slacking off and letting our balance boards end up gathering dust with the rest of our exercise equipment. :eek: Just a thought.

Hi Chris and I'm glad you're joining the ThrowDown!:)
It's a pretty straight forward proposition . . . Cooker starts a new thread on Thursday or Friday, and we all report our loss or gain for the week. I don't think there are any rules . . . except prune juice usage is strongly discouraged;) . . . and everyone is supportive of everyone else.
We have several members using the Wii so I'm sure they'll stop by and offer their thoughts.
In the meantime, welcome!:)

Anyone can start their own ThrowDown under the Throwown forum .... this one is for weight loss, there is one for moving and grooving, maybe the wii would fit well there or start your own wii ThrowDown.... welcome to the weight loss arena and good losing......
Welcome Chris. I too have water retention and at times don't know
what my wt gain is attributed to. I am prescribed lasix,but take it on
a prn basis since my retention cycles.
I don't have a Wii,though some here do. For me I need my exercise to
be a sport or activity.I have belonged to clubs and had some indoor
exercisers and I won't do it. The Wii may be different but I don't want
to get it and not use it. This is a good throwdown because it is so loose,
if you want to report #'s and BMI,exercise results,Wii,its all good.