Cooker's ThrowDown Friday II.....1-16-09

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Well I've finally wised up and am working on losing this weight! I've been eating salads that I add lots of varied veggies and stuff to so they make a meal and more cutting back to lose weight. Next step is knock off the sweet goodies.

I joined my local senior center last week and we do an exercise program on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They also have tai chi classes which I haven't gone to yet but will go to the next class. My exercise goal along with the Tues. & Thurs. is to use my treadmill on Mondays and Fridays. I always do better when I schedule myself.
Wish me luck!
I weigh 146 today (5 feet tall )


Welcome to the ThrowDown:) .... planning works, as they say, "plan your work and work your plan":D
Cooker, way to go -- when you get to 195, will you reward yourself with banana pudding? :D

AND will it be the low fat/sugar free treat or the REAL one??:D

Thanks for the support everyone, its been months that I haven't
had any results so I appreciate it.
Running really late this late infact that its nearly next week!

It was 42C Thursday and Friday which is about 110F so my brain didn't function those 2 days...I spent Saturday doing all the things I didnt do on Thursday and Friday.

On Sunday I managed to dislocate and fracture my little toe so I am now stranded on my bed until further notice...tried hopping around but it was too hard and the kids laughed at me crawling so I gave up and will sit still and wait to be waited upon...that should help me lose weight as they aren't good waiters my boys!...

I am just going to go read all your weight-loss healthy-eating gossip and excuses for the last week and see how well you have all been doing...:D
I am just going to go read all your weight-loss healthy-eating gossip and excuses for the last week and see how well you have all been doing...:D

Excuses?! What?! :eek: None of us would make excuses! :eek: (okay, maybe we would. Shhhh.)

I'm sorry to hear about your toe. I hope your boys learn to be better nurses. They need to take good care of you or you might not be inclined to take care of them! LOL Take care of yourself and heal quickly!
Hi, I was thinking about you all so I thought I'd see if anyone else posted any victories. Mostly good news, with Karyln and Dina surprising even themselves.

Yesterday was the first day that the ladies from my church didn't bring us a lovely hot evening meal. The meals were wonderful and made with a lot of love but also calorie laden. I declined the offer of continued meals because I know what the end result would be. I'm up and about for brief periods with my knee scooter. It is called a roll-a-bout and excellent for people like me (bad shoulder) who have difficulty using crutches. For breakfast today I had an orange and then for lunch I had steamed carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower with a little low fat cheese sprinkled on it. Desert was a grapefruit. That is why I was thinking about you all since I was being so good.:)

Frankly, I'm going a little nuts being cooped up. I get the cast/dressing combo that I have now changed to a hard cast next Monday. I don't know what I should be expecting recovery wise at this point but I'm not as far along as I had expected. My toes (the only visible skin below my knee) turn purplish black when down for more than a minute or two. They change back to pink within a few minutes when I elevate my leg again. I've had the post-op cast changed once already but if anything worsens then I'll go back in and get it changed again to see what is happening underneath all the wrappings. In the meantime, I don't have much choice but to follow all my instructions to the letter.
Keep up the good work everybody!
Congratulations to all who lost and condolences to those who have had surgery or sustained injuries ?. I apologize for not addressing each ThrowDowner?s post personally, TheChimp has been a bit preoccupied and quite frankly on the verge of exhaustion. I indulged last night in comfort cookies, can?t say how many as I lost count after I opened the second package ? oh, by the way, are Prune Danish allowed? Ref?
Superbob is in peril! A guy has opened Blue Collar Joe's hereabouts, right on the route to SB's and Superdawg's favorite walk. Has got fresh coffee -- and doughnuts made fresh throughout the day in every flavor you can think of! :eek::eek::eek: Is this an LL plant or what? :(
Gee, I take an hour off to GO TO THE GYM, come home, and I am immediately required to to engage in the decision making process.:eek:

What do you think, Cooker? :confused:Do you think prune danish are banned substances?:confused::confused::confused:

Ok, ok . . . you've asked for a ruling, and the answer is . . . they're allowed!:eek:
Gee, I take an hour off to GO TO THE GYM, and I come home and read that Superbob is in peril!:eek:

What do you think, Superbob? :confused:Do you think it's a LL plant?:confused::confused::confused:

Ok, ok, I'll answer the question. (big sigh) Yes I think it's a plant and you need to change your route and avoid the near occasion of sinful donuts!:eek::eek::eek:
You ate a really great lunch!:) I hope you can keep that up! I had two fuji apples for my afternoon snack, but I dipped them in chocolate so maybe it wasn't the best choice?:confused::p:p
Cookie - it's not about falling off the wagon, it's about getting back on. That darn wagon has been dragging me along for a year and I think I've finally been able to get back on.

Since you've been in the weight losing process for a while, a day or two of slips isn't going to matter. But don't be like me and think "we'll if I can have a package of cookies one day and not gain weight, I can have a few cookies a day and not gain weight." That was my big mistake when i gained back all the weight I lost and kept off for over 4years. An occasional mistake will happen, accept it an move on.

I think the Ref would let you have a prune before she let you have a prune danish!!!!

SB - that would be Blue Collar Lex's!
Mostly good news, with Karyln and Dina surprising even themselves.

Yesterday was the first day that the ladies from my church didn't bring us a lovely hot evening meal. The meals were wonderful and made with a lot of love but also calorie laden. I declined the offer of continued meals because I know what the end result would be. I'm up and about for brief periods with myQUOTE]

You are right,I was very surprised and excited.

The meals from your church sound great,but I'm sure you made the right
decision in not continuing to accept them. Especially since its the
evening meal. Congratulations--great willpower:)

Betty I now know how frustrating it really is not being able to get around easily whenever you want to...that little rolly thing sounds like its a great help. What a great bunch of Ladies you have at your church to bring delicious home cooked meals over.

Thanks to my unattentive nurses (teenage sons) I managed to drop a couple of makes me wonder just how much have I been snacking?. or is the secret to weight loss water and Tylenol?

Good to hear your Wii has come out of the closet Karlynn...are the trainers comments less harsh now you have set the goal at 5lb?

I'm going to go catch up on some housework...that should burn a few calories...see you all tomorrow for the weekly report on progress.

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