Cooker's Throwdown Friday ... 2-27-15

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
No report from TheChimp today.... I hope everyone is doing well ... Jim continues to improve (out of Afib last I heard) ...

With all that I have going on I forgot to weigh before I got dressed and I really don't care what my weight is right now. I'm not watching what I eat but I have been so busy I have not eaten much and according to my clothes I have not gained much if any. Still have recovery issues from recent surgery so I have not been able to get back with my walking ... but I will ... vessels of clay ....

Have a great week!!!

2015 Starting Weight: 243.50
Last Week's Weight: 237.25
This Week's Weight: ??????
I've been rocking the exercise with three weight training sessions and three runs this week . . . eating a little spotty, scale said up 3 lbs this morning. Just need to tighten up on the eating and maybe also, don't eat Chinese food the night before a weigh in. : ) I know if I'm consistent on the healthy course I will get back on track.

If anyone is interested I'd like to do The Beck Diet Solution book in a group with some others - it is based on cognitive behavioral therapy and focuses on changing thought patterns that keep us from staying on our plans. You can go through it with any reasonable diet and exercise plan. 42 days, written exercises and discussion every day which we could do here, or I could start another thread so as not to bore everyone with daily discussion.
life just keeps bumping along --- hope your recovery from surgery soon will be complete, Mr. Chimp. As for klutzy me, was flossing last night, maybe a little too hard, and ping! something lands in the bathroom sink -- a large chunk of some old crown or filling or something. Anyway there is now a big hole and dentist will try to at least patch it this afternoon and decide on maybe other options. (I'm wondering about just pulling the whole mess.) DW has a whole new round of PT coming up -- progressing very gradually. I think I am near the end of my chiropractor visits -- think they have helped some with my back -- not a total fix to stenosis -- and to his credit he didn't promise one. But better.

Diet and weight -- I'm trying. Walking and x-biking, just trying to make good food choices. Dornole, your program won't bore me -- why not try it out here… & others could chime in with their tips and experiences, too.

I think I will weigh sometime this weekend -- I probably will be eating soft for a while b/c of dental work -- maybe that will help shed a few.

Bob, sorry about the dental issuers. Hope you can get it taken care of soon and although slow glad your DW is improving.

Dornal, I think you might have a good idea. Daily participation may be an issue. This group seems to have lots going on right now. If you want to take the lead on his I will give it a go. Now if it requires exercise I'm very limited at this time.
Just starting to get my appetite back and food is starting to taste better. Off my low carb diet for now...eating whatever I can force. Did some Lasic tabs and unloaded some extra lbs of fluid. Glad to read reports from Mr. Chimp, dornole, and SuperBob. Waiting to be discharged to a rehab facility until I get enough strength back to go home.
Welcome to this side of the mountain Jim!!!! Now you know that you are tougher than the train that hit you!! Eat, walk and sleep--- repeat!! Remember slow and steady!!!
Trying to get back on track with my eating... can't do any exercise walking but I might try some light weight dumbbells ... Got on the scales this morning and not as bad as I expected!!!
Awesome Cooker, that's encouraging news.

OK here is a suggested task this week for anyone who wants to Think Like a Thin Person. It's mostly mental and pencil-lifting work. Instead of daily, maybe weekly will work better.

Task 1: Write down a list of reasons that you want to lose weight. How would you benefit? How would you feel? Think about many areas such as health, appearance, functionality, self-esteem and mood. write the list on a card or maybe type it somewhere you can see it regularly. Schedule a time to read it twice every day this week plus whenever you're thinking of going off track. Let it sink in and imagine yourself having these benefits. You can also rate how much you want them on a scale of 1-10 to keep you from just skimming. Do NOT just think about it. Write it down and re-read twice a say. This is 100% times easier and shorter than exercising and quite effective.
Thanks dornole!! I have my list down on my phone so I can check it twice a day. Thanks for leading the way and being so encouraging. I think I need this. I'm excited about it changing the way I think about food!!!
Jim, indeed welcome to your latest trip over to this side of the mountain. We will keep sending best vibes for a smooth recovery/

Cooker, good for you for persevering.

Dornole, I am 100% good with you posting this, but I can't handle that mental heavy lifting right now. Still, it's here on the site whenever anyone wants to try it, so that's good.

Got to thinking --- with all the ups and downs over the years, I am exactly where I was with weight when I completed Cardiac Rehab 10 years ago. Almost exactly same weight. And that's pretty good bc I was in a good place then. Not saying it wouldn't nice to lose more, but at this stage of my life, don't think it's gong to happen. So much unpredictability in where we're going to eat out, how we're getting meals together, etc.

Still got to work at it just to maintain. Maintenance can be a good thing sometimes.

while your thinking differently about food, how about I introduce a different way of thinking about weight loss. Basically its mass in vs mass out ... where does the mass out come into it? Well its the CO2 you exhale. So basically anything which gets you breating strongly and deeply (and doesn't result in you getting giddy will mean you're consuming calories faster than your base metabolism.

do you use any activity monitor? I'm using a Garmin and its interesting to see the activity one does.


The Total Calories figure is how many calories my body needed to do what I did ... The Human body is amazingly good at efficiently turning food into energy, so try to minimise on high calorie foods (like the ones you already know)
Bob.... Maintainance is a great thing. If you are not losing and not maintaining you are going up. Life has a way of putting things in perspective. Stay strong!

Pellicle... Thanks for the information. Interesting stuff.
dornole;n853640 said:
Maintenance for 10 years is great! Most people would have gained 20 lbs over that time. Totally good goal. Losing 5% of this body weight is a good goal for me right now.

Maintenance I consider an achievement, but gradually losing 10 pounds would be an even great accomplishment for me. I think that is doable.
Jim, I'm happy to read that you're on the road to recovery. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. Replacement can be a long healing process but one day it will all be a distant memory. Weight-wise I'm up and very unhappy about it. Another round of ice and snow is forecast for Wednesdsy and we're still dealing with residual from 10 days ago. I haven't walked outside since then. Maybe next week.