Greetings! I'm down to my RTNYD15 starting weight. This is a surprise as I have not really been dieting but life is a stress bomb right now so maybe that's it. I would love to be at 200 by New Years Day but that's a lofty goal. If I average one pound a week that will be about twelve pounds which would still be a victory. I'm not being WW strict but I am trying to be WW conscious as well as make small changes in choices I make while dining out; which we do often.
October is breast cancer awarness month. Ladies do not neglect self exam and mammograms. I lost my mother to breast cancer. She was only 62. Guys, men get breast cancer too so be aware.
How did you do this week? Don't let gain keep you away. I'm hoping that if I keep close to the thought of weight management that something will click and a eating style change will happen.
RTNYD15 Starting Weight: 230.75
RTNYD15 Today's Weight: 230.75
October is breast cancer awarness month. Ladies do not neglect self exam and mammograms. I lost my mother to breast cancer. She was only 62. Guys, men get breast cancer too so be aware.
How did you do this week? Don't let gain keep you away. I'm hoping that if I keep close to the thought of weight management that something will click and a eating style change will happen.
RTNYD15 Starting Weight: 230.75
RTNYD15 Today's Weight: 230.75