Congratulations Hensylee

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Hensylee = 999 to go and.........

...................You're gonna be the first Member of to hit 1000 posts, so let me be the first to congratulate you and also to thank you for all the good advice and encouragement that you have given to so many on this forum.

I often see you signed in when I'm having a look in the mornings and you're 5 or 6 hours behind me in 'time zone.' Then again you appear in the late evening, always with a cheerful word for those who need it most. You have often been the first to reply to new members almost since the inception of and your welcoming words have kept many people with us long enough to make them part of the family.

I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that we all consider you a true friend and that all our lives are the richer for having known you.

May you continue to post many thousands times more.......Thank you Ann.
You bet Ya Billy. Henslyee is our 'glue'.
She holds us all togther. When the going gets tough, she there with a smile.

Thanks for your continued support Henslyee. Our #1 member should be in Vegas come fall! How about it Hensylee?
Never a truer word spoken Billy!

Never a truer word spoken Billy!

Billy are right ...I am often touched by the kind words and thoughtfulness Hensylee shows on this board .
Well done and thankyou Hensylee !
love Scottie
hi billy!
thank you for starting this thread, it's a great one!
i am with you all in that hensylee is really spectacular. i think of you, ann, as a "wise soul".
thank you for all you give, sylvia
Very observant, Billy! I am relatively new but have noticed that Ann has certainly been there for everyone with wisdom, compassion, and inspiring thoughts.

Thanks for 1000+ of all of the above, I know you help many, many people!



You are an inspiration and your warmth and kindness come from a heart that's true and sincere.

This forum wouldn't be the same without you. We all love you!
Nancy said exactly what I was going to say.

We love you and best of wishes for future years and future posts!

And, if you ever have another problem with your Anti-Virus Program, you know I'm here to help you with it.

Hear, hear!

Hear, hear!

I must echo Billy's thoughts here. Hensylee, you are so selfless and giving with your warm wishes, I want to thank you as well. You are an inspiration.

All my best,