Well-known member
So good to hear the improving news. One day at a time is very true. It can either feel like, or really be, a long slow process, but each day should continue to bring more and more improvement. Best wishes.
What should I buy at the Medical Supply place? I know I have to get him a walker. Anything else you feel has helped?
Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments.
My husband is 20 years older than me, yet I never thought we would be up against something like this. We just never discussed it.
We were both looking forward to him having his "new" heart and he and I would resume traveling and such.
I have been there for both visits when his doctor came. He saw my husband very confused yesterday, but didn't seem too concerned. Today, when I was in the ICU with my husband. he took me in the hall and said that they are hardly giving him any pain meds now, as that would make things become clearer for my husband.
When I walked in, I said I wanted a neurologist to see him and, at first they said no, then said they would send someone up.
When I went in first thing in the morning, he actually seemed lucid. He asked his nurse to leave the room. In a quiet voice, he said, "I'm dying". Just that simply.
I told him that he wasn't, that the surgery was a success. It was just taking a little time for things to come together. He just smiled.
Then, he seemed to go into that other state where I can't reach him.
I go over and over in my mind whether we made a mistake in getting this done.
I want my husband back and i'm scared to death.
I mean, is it possible he knows something I don't?
Hi everyone:
I got him into a rehab facility and his cognitive abilities do not seem to be doing much better. I have demanded a neurologist for as soon as possible. He's also being extremely difficult and combative.
I stayed over last night, but am taking a break today and possibly tomorrow.
I am overwhelmer.
Thanks to all of you for your help.