Complications, and concerns about my INR

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am I the only one that has blood drawn one day, and the doctor gets the results the next day and adjusts the dose if needed based on those results?

No you are not and this is precisely what gives Coumadin a bad name---Bad MANAGEMENT. There isn't much to be confused about. It's pretty simple, the Doctor gets outdated results, bases his dosing decisions on outdated information, completely missing what is actually going on because of it and then the teeter tottering starts and you never become stable because of it.

We see it all the time and this is precisely why so many of us have grabbed the bull by the horns and taken over our own care. It is a medical fact that home testers are in range far more then those that rely on a clinical management setting.

What your INR is today is what it is today. It will not be that number tomorrow. Tomorrow is a whole new day requiring another test if a dose is going to be changed. Basically in a nutshell, it's imperative to have the results of the INR blood test before leaving the office or at the very least, the same day as it was taken. Anything else and you might as well let monkeys with a handful of darts throw them at a board and determine what your dosage should be. There is no way anyone can make proper dosing decisions based on outdated information. If this Doctor thinks he can, he's guessing and he's playing with your life. I would find another Doctor and another Clinic asap.

Once we get the basics drilled into you, you'll laugh at how easy this whole thing is. I'm not kidding. You'll look at it all and wonder just like we do, "If we can get it, why can't the professionals?" ;)
Again, thanks so much to everyone.
My results came in, and my INR is at 3.0. I'm happy with that, and told my doctor that. So I'm staying on the 5MG. I've been at 5MG since last Wednesday, so hopefully this reading is accurate, and since I'm staying on that dose, next weeks test will be definitely accurate. I don't want the teeter totter effect Ross is talking about.
I can see why home testing is better... especially with all this going on. I see my surgeon in a few more weeks, and will be asking to home test as soon as possible. In the meantime I'll be much more forward with the doctors and won't be shy about letting them know I will be very much involved in the testing and dosing.

With that said, I'm sure you'll be hearing lots more from me begging advice!

We are always here to help.

We are always here to help.

You are so new to this. After a short time, it will become "old hat."

In the meantime, you know that you have a whole tribe of folks who have been where you are now....and those folks stand by to help you. It is scarey at first. But, once you get the hang of's like nothing most of the time.

Kindest regards,
Hi Jen, in regards of your question about the lab calling you with your INR results - they may not.
Here in Saskatchewan I have a "Standing Order" for the lab to get my blood work done, also; my doctor gave me permission to phone the lab for my INR results. (I think my doctor had to fax or phone the lab for this request)

I was released with an INR of 1.6 and didn't think anything of it - I didn't know better. And as far as the numbers go.........oh yea it is over whelming - been there.

Don't panic, will come, HONEST.

Hi Jen,
Until you get your home monitor, get a "standing order" from your Doctor. This will allow you to phone the lab for your results. OR, phone your doctors office as soon as you get home from getting your blood work done and tell them you want your doctor to phone you back with your INR results.
There is no excuse for not getting your results the same day. It only takes 3 hours for them to do the test.

Good Luck next week :)
It only takes 3 hours for them to do the test.

Good Luck next week :)

Actually it only takes them about 5 minutes, but they have to sit around, make cell phone calls to their stock traders, maybe call the babysitter, go get coffee, make drawings of the garden their planning for spring, then maybe, just maybe, they'll do the test. Opps, no wait a minute, now they have to go pee first because of the coffee, then they'll run the test.
Actually it only takes them about 5 minutes, but they have to sit around, make cell phone calls to their stock traders, maybe call the babysitter, go get coffee, make drawings of the garden their planning for spring, then maybe, just maybe, they'll do the test. Opps, no wait a minute, now they have to go pee first because of the coffee, then they'll run the test.

Good thing I'm healing well now.. think I would have busted a stitch on that one I laughed so hard!!!!