Colts and the "S" word

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Sorry Bucs fans.
Dare we, the lowly Colts fans, utter the unthinkable, the unattainable "S" word?
Hey Mara,
Is that S@#$ as in step in a pile of S@#$ and come out smelling like a Rose! LOL
It made for a very interesting game.

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It was entertaining. But the "S" word is .....superbowl! Dare I utter it...

There has been a lot of talk about that since Monday night around Indy. Hmmmm. There's still time for the Colts to choke.
Ok Mara....
Being a "transplanted" Hoosier gal I think I can still submit an objective reply to any Colts fan daring to use the "s" word at this point in the season....

If it were me....I'd keep the "s" word quiet....anytime, any of the sports teams in Indiana (be it pro, college) start talking about the promise of post season play, some how, the team takes a nose dive (OK,...choke). :rolleyes:

Perhaps a better "s" word in this case would be.....


:D :) :D
Mommy3, I am with you.
The Colts could lose the next 11 games. And they might just do that. But, 3 touchdowns in under 4 minutes was pretty impressive. But, the newspaper and tv guys have been talking about the "S" word, thus, working folks into a frenzy. Good marketing ploy though, the next two games are going to be sell-outs. There have been a lot of riders on the Colts bandwagon since Monday.
They might be all right

They might be all right

as long as they don't get on the cover of Sports Illustrated. Better you should talk about the superbowl.
I am sure Pey-Pey will end up on the cover soon, either him or Marvin Harrison.

Anyway, it was a very entertaing game to watch and that is what football is all about.
Hey, Mara,
As a fellow Hoosier, I say "Right on, sister!" GO COLTS!!!! Interesting sidenote: I remember sitting in a bar in Baltimore with my cousin back in 1984. After tipping back a few drinks and announcing to a cute bartender that I lived in Indy, his face slowly changed to a scowl, and he muttered, "Oh, yeah, the people who stole the Colts from us!" He made me another drink, and I remember being a bit cautious before drinking it

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