COBRA Insurance

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My wife was laid off today. Our health insurance was through her company. Obviously with my upcoming surgery in April, I'm a bit concerned.

Has anyone benefited from the COBRA Insurance? I"m concerned about the additional cost of COBRA vs. what we were paying, plus I"m wondering whether the level of benefit is the same. I know it's available for up to 18 months, which probably will be enough time to have the surgery and work out any kinks. :)

I can get insurance through my employer, although it's not cheap and there is no prescription benefit. I'm guessing I'll have a few prescriptions to fill after the surgery.

Thanks in advance.

Hello Chris,

I'm going through the same thing. My wife just got her layoff date.
On her companies COBRA, the insurance coverage is the same as if she were still working, with the exception of being unaffordable for us.

I hope someone else will clarify that a bit more, because I'm not sure it's the same for every insurance plan.

If you need prescriptions and you think you may qualify for some help. I'll go grab you a couple program links to check into.

Perhaps some of the others will have some more suggestions also.
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Cobra is not a problem....legally this has to be offered to an employee leaving a company. No matter the reason for up to 18 months.

Just make certain you never let your coverage lapse. They will mail the guidelines to you. If a lapse occurs when you reinstate with a new carrier...... they have a right to deny your preexisting. . I am going to be honest....the premiums are pricey.

If there is any negating may want to ask if your former employer will cover your premium until you are employed.
Yes, go to It works. I have applied and it is working. Have already rec'd one mo's supply Celebrex. Never expected to be in this situation, but suddenly, there it was. The cost of each rx, once you are approved and your dr sends in his part, is $5 pharmacy fee or the med is sent to your dr where you pick it up.Most companies have 'patients in need' programs. The COBRA program has been around for a long time and the above two are certainly correct, but as stated, it's expensive. God bless