cluster headaches

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I have been complaining about headaches since the surgery and found something interesting on the web. I seem to wake up with a really bad headache during the night and it is always on a Monday that I have them. I thought it might be an aversion to my job, but I after reading the article on cluster headaches, it fits to a "T". Has anyone experienced these and did you find a "cure".Please let me know since I am tired of walking around like a zombie on Mondays.
Hi Marcia-

Wow! Cluster headaches are supposed to be very rare in women. I used to get bad migraines, but (knock on wood) have had only one since my surgery.
From what I have read about these kinds of headaches, some of the same meds that people take for migraines help cluster headaches.
Talk to a good neurologist. I did the whole neurology-thing and did not get much relief from my migraines, but that was because pre-op I could not take any of the really good meds.

Some of it is quackery, and some of it really works. Keeping a regular schedule of sleep was something that really helped me, also magnesium/calcium supplements helped a lot.


I did get a prescription for a beta blocker but I am hesitant in taking it because I do not want to be slowed down as it did prior to the surgery. I also take Cardizem, lanoxin, coumadin and a baby aspirin. I am thinking of going to a Neurologist to see if he has any ideas as to what is causing them. I am keeping a list of what I am eating and doing to see if I can pinpoint the cause. I had grandkids overnight Fri. night and I got broken up sleep and was really tired Sat. It seems that when I overdo it then I get a headache. I dread Monday mornings because of the headaches. I have a mechanical valve and hoping this does not have something to do with it. Thanks for your reply, Marcia


I used to get migraines before my hysterectomy. I was told then that having the same sleeping patterns/schedule is very important to both migraines and cluster headaches. I got myself on a regular bedtime schedule (in bed at 10:00pm and up at 6:00am) and that seemed to help. I still stick to that schedule, even on the weekends. I hope you feel better. Peggy
I was on beta blokcers before my surgery and did not think they helped my headaches at all. They helped my heart, but not the headaches.

A regular sleeping schedule is the easiest to accomplish. Cutting out caffeine is supposed to help, too.
