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Well-known member
May 2, 2008
Franklin, Ohio
I had decided to call Cleveland Clinic for a 2nd opinion after my last hospitalization since I left without any diagnosis or any concrete reasoning for my pain and low low blood pressure..........I met with with Dr. Donald Underwood and he went through all my records including the latest hospital stay. They did an EKG today and are doing a stress echo on May 15th. He seems to think that most of my problems are related to my spine and not my heart. After talking to him about all this, is does make total sense. Pain in my back radiating to the front of my chest, arms going numbs, tailbone pain (severe at times), hip pain that my PCP thought was bursitis, neck and shoulder pain. He wants to do the stress echo to rule out the heart totally, then he is planning on sending me to the spine doctors at Cleveland Clinic. He wants me to stay on my current medications, but keep track of the pain and what is actually does and how it feels. He is also going to see about dealing with my PVC's and PAC's. I feel a TON better even though I did not get an absolute answer today. Thanks all......
Oh wow! I will be anxious to see how this turns out. Would be great if it is not your heart. Thankfully you got a second opinion. Best of luck to you.
Thank you Eva and Deb - I am not feeling the greatest in the world physically, but my attitude has gotten a huge boost knowing that I was not losing my mind and faking this (like some thought I was).

I recieved a call on my voice mail from my cardiologist and they have cancelled my follow-up appointment for Monday for after my hospital stay. I think, my opinion only of course, that he was upset because I wanted a second opinion from Clevlenad Clinic. They have also cancelled my PT/INR and review of my cardio net results appointment for the 18th of May. I must have really hurt their feelings, but like I told my hubby last night, I am not gonna become a junkie taking a million prescriptions every day because they would rather medicate me than fix me!

I see my orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday - was supposed to be for my knee only but since they are thinking this may all be spine related, I am going to have him start doing all the tests that will be required. If something shows up, I may just wait until I see the CC spine people for treatment, but we shall see. The relieve of knowing that I am not crazy in amazing!!!

This is a great time to remind everyone that if your doctor tends to just blow off your complaints or just medicate them, maybe its time for another opinion!!!
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This is a great time to remind everyone that if your doctor tends to just blow off your complaints or just medicate them, maybe its time for another opinion!!!

Actually it's a great time to fire the jerk you have and get a new Physician!
Actually it's a great time to fire the jerk you have and get a new Physician!

I agree totally Ross - I did tell them that I would probably not be back. On top of all this other crap - I had a long conversation with my cousin in Akron this afternoon and she happened to mention after listening to my list of complaints (yes, they are many) that it sounded like I had MS. Alot of my problems seems to point that way, after doing some research on my own. I think after I see the cardio at Cleveland Clinic on the 15th, I will ask him about that. One of the things that bothers me the most is the pain in my tailbone and the RLS that seems to be getting worse, not better.

One of the things the surgeon wanted to do before he did my surgery, was find out the why before he fixed the damage. He was concerned that he could fix the aftermath but that whatever caused it to begin with was still lurking under the surface. I am wondering if MS can cause heart valve disease? Anyone have any ideas?
I agree w/Ross. Time to get a new doctor. I think he knows he messed up. :eek:Sorry I can not help you w/your MS questions. Maybe someone will come along and help you. They should know that with a MRI. They thought maybe I had it but I did not. I hope you get the help you deserve.
I hope your appointment goes well for you. Cleveland is a very well respected & recomended hospital. Good Luck & God Bless. :D
As far as I know, MS does not cause heart issues, but I've never really studied the question before.

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