Christine Mayhew Fund

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Bob Gleason

We have collected $235 to date for Christine and that is representative of 9 members (excluding myself).

I have deposited these donations into Christine's account and advised her of the members who made these donations. She wants me to send her thanks to these members (she doesn't have access to a computer) saying that she will use this money for Christmas gifts for her children.

While I had expected more members to donate, I think it is wonderful of people to make such a sacrifice to help one in need.

To me, that is what life is all about and those who have helped Christine should be proud of their commitment to her and to which as Hank, always reminds us that "this started as a dream to want to help others and has grown to many hearts."

I just wonder if there are anymore hearts out there who will help Christine.
hi bob,

Another bob here. When I read your post, I didn't know what the H--- you were talking about. I had to do a lot of running around this site to get a clearer picture.
It sounds like you are on a mission and driven with energy and emotion. (maybe thats why it seems you are stepping on toes).
The resonse youv'e gotten is certainly a weak one but lets consider all the possibilties why. some, myself included, never knew of its existance. a lot of us have medical bills. many are in retirement. many give to charities that have a priority of allegiance
many may have been scammed (I know, I know) but I even have a brother that would talk you out of your last dollar and whats that saying? "once burned twice shy" or somthing like that.
Your heart is in the right place and I wish there were more like you in this world.
christine"s situation is terrible and I feel bad, I have no control over the bad in this world, but you are right, collectively we as a group could make a bit of a difference.
don't get down over your efforts and depressed over the response, think positive and continue being who you are.

God be with you
Things like this girl's needs are easy to "fall through the cracks" especially at time like this when people are so busy and engrossed in their own details.

Maybe those of us who have not remembered to do something will take this opportunity to get a check in the mail:

Bob Gleason
9 Stephen Dr.
Princeton, NJ 08540.

Why not add this to your "to do" list or Christmas card, Kwanza, or "Festival of Lights" card list and stick a little something in an envelope for this girl and her children.

You will feel good for having done it and THE CAUSE IS VERY WORTHY.

Thanks Bob, for letting us help.