Only One Replacement
Only One Replacement
From what I understand my Cardiologist has only planned for one replacement of the mitral vavle. But they always follow it up by saying that advancements are being made every day and they don't want to commit to anything until just before surgery.
One doc even suggested that with all the advances in genetics, one day we would be able to grow our own heart tissue. Unfortunatley, I think that is too far off for most of us. Especially as long as it remains a political decision whether to use stem cells from aborted fetuses. I'm not going to take sides on that issue here, but I will say that if it means heart patience lives, including my own, I'm all for it as long as we are making good ethical decisions along the way.
To give you some background; I was born in Children's Hospital (LA, CA) in 1967. I was 3-4 weeks premature and less than five pounds.
The docs discovered immeadiately that I had some heart issues. Great docs!
I had my first heart cath at age 5 in CA, and a second at age 15 in Tulsa.
I have not had a cath since, but go in every one or two years (OKC) at the request of my PCP for Ultra Sound and ECG.
Last year they said there had been no significant changes since the previous year.
I am due another soon.
A year ago November, I was at work and went into a prolonged cardiac arythmia. My BP was only slightly elavated but my heart rate was over 140 BPM when I arrived at the emergency room and stayed above 120 BPM for over four hours.
They tried all sorts of meds but could'nt get my heart rate down. I really thought I was going to die. It felt like I was running a marathon!
Eventually, on the IV fluids and Verelan (introduced at the ER) my heart rate came down and they sent me home. It was about an 8 hour ordeal and took me a week to recover.
The docs later decided that I was dehydrated and possibly OD on caffiene. I am not so sure I concure, I had only had one cup earlier that day and the episode didin't start until after 3 PM.
At any rate, I have been on Verelan since and have had no further problems with CA events.
There was some mention of other health issues concommitant with heart deformations at birth. I believe this is true in my case. I have had acid reflux since age 8. Thank God for Prilosec. I beleive it is related.
I also have restless legs syndrome which is still largely unknown. I don't know of any connection there other than lack of excercise. LOL
I was diagnosed with TOS as well, which is a physical deformity of the thoracic vertebra that causes your arms to go numb when they are bent at angles greater than 90 degrees. Weird huh? This is good to know though because post-op they will place my arms at my sides instead of across my abdomen (the traditional corpse position). LOL
Oh yes, the docs beleive that one of the meds my mom was on to keep me in utero may have been responsible for the defects. My mom can't remember what the drug was called. Whatever the drug, I'm here today as a result, so I guess I'll take my lumps. Mom had two miscarriages between my brother and I.
I can't afford to travel too far for surgery. I will probably consider docs in the midwest only.
Baptist Medical in OKC has a cardiac unit that has a very good rep. I'm sure that is where they will want me to go initially.
Only One Replacement
From what I understand my Cardiologist has only planned for one replacement of the mitral vavle. But they always follow it up by saying that advancements are being made every day and they don't want to commit to anything until just before surgery.
One doc even suggested that with all the advances in genetics, one day we would be able to grow our own heart tissue. Unfortunatley, I think that is too far off for most of us. Especially as long as it remains a political decision whether to use stem cells from aborted fetuses. I'm not going to take sides on that issue here, but I will say that if it means heart patience lives, including my own, I'm all for it as long as we are making good ethical decisions along the way.
To give you some background; I was born in Children's Hospital (LA, CA) in 1967. I was 3-4 weeks premature and less than five pounds.
The docs discovered immeadiately that I had some heart issues. Great docs!
I had my first heart cath at age 5 in CA, and a second at age 15 in Tulsa.
I have not had a cath since, but go in every one or two years (OKC) at the request of my PCP for Ultra Sound and ECG.
Last year they said there had been no significant changes since the previous year.
I am due another soon.
A year ago November, I was at work and went into a prolonged cardiac arythmia. My BP was only slightly elavated but my heart rate was over 140 BPM when I arrived at the emergency room and stayed above 120 BPM for over four hours.
They tried all sorts of meds but could'nt get my heart rate down. I really thought I was going to die. It felt like I was running a marathon!
Eventually, on the IV fluids and Verelan (introduced at the ER) my heart rate came down and they sent me home. It was about an 8 hour ordeal and took me a week to recover.
The docs later decided that I was dehydrated and possibly OD on caffiene. I am not so sure I concure, I had only had one cup earlier that day and the episode didin't start until after 3 PM.
At any rate, I have been on Verelan since and have had no further problems with CA events.
There was some mention of other health issues concommitant with heart deformations at birth. I believe this is true in my case. I have had acid reflux since age 8. Thank God for Prilosec. I beleive it is related.
I also have restless legs syndrome which is still largely unknown. I don't know of any connection there other than lack of excercise. LOL
I was diagnosed with TOS as well, which is a physical deformity of the thoracic vertebra that causes your arms to go numb when they are bent at angles greater than 90 degrees. Weird huh? This is good to know though because post-op they will place my arms at my sides instead of across my abdomen (the traditional corpse position). LOL
Oh yes, the docs beleive that one of the meds my mom was on to keep me in utero may have been responsible for the defects. My mom can't remember what the drug was called. Whatever the drug, I'm here today as a result, so I guess I'll take my lumps. Mom had two miscarriages between my brother and I.
I can't afford to travel too far for surgery. I will probably consider docs in the midwest only.
Baptist Medical in OKC has a cardiac unit that has a very good rep. I'm sure that is where they will want me to go initially.