I had a sternomectomy.
I'm sleeping better due to ambien plus Xanax. I take a 10 mg ambien and .5 mg Xanax when I get in bed and if it's an hour or two and I'm still up I take another .5 Xanax. I honestly probably couldn't sleep at all without them. Since they put me on prednisone and sotalol I have horrible night terrors, nightmares, restless zombie legs, and panic attacks. I'm doing good during the day though, most days I don't need my Xanax and the crying spells are to a minimum.
I really feel for you with the pounding, I don't think my pounding was ever as bad as yours. Have they checked you for effusions? I'm just wondering, because it seems if there is fluid in your heart or lung lining it might make the heart resonate more.