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Hi all!
I hope this finds everyone well!!
I haven?t been around much for the past months as life got quite busy. After a freaky and severe pneumonia around Easter my health has now improved considerably and I am able to walk stairs, ride my bicycle and basically walk as far as I?d like. My main aim in December was to return to work asap. Well, that didn?t happen and it won?t become a reality for? well, years or not ever. My immune system and the 8 years living with an advanced heart condition makes working impossible. Sooo, on May 8th I quite reluctantly went on full disability.
I am now devoting myself to a heart foundation outreach program. I meet with heart patients who are just beginning to venture into heart surgery etc. So far so good :D. I also try to live as much as possible now that I am not housebound as I was before my transplant.

I am looking at some minor surgery again in August or so, my third pacemaker will be replaced with a 4th since I found my third one to be a part of a medtronic recall :rolleyes: . But they will do it all as I go for my 1st year evaluation instead of now so I shouldn't whine!

I hope everyone here is well and happy summer to all!

/Jessica :D
Jessica, I am so happy to hear that you are doing so well now! You scared us all when you first started to type to us, but now you are an inspiration to us all! I can't believe that it's already been 10 months since your heart transplant! I'm sorry that you won't be able to return to work, but I think it sounds wonderful that you are doing the heart foundation. Congratulations once again!
Hey Jess - sorry I haven't caught you and Zazz. Have tried from time to time but ya'll weren't on.

Glad to hear that you are adjusting to the change of your plans, or at least going down another route. I am sure you are enjoying working with other heart patients and if anyone can help them out, I know you can.

Bless you - and let us hear now and then. God bless Ann
Hi Jessica-

Didn't have a chance to respond to you when you last posted. It's so nice to hear from you and that you are doing some really good work with the Heart Foundation outreach. You must be a terrific asset.