Chat Tonight Anyone?

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Hey You all!!!

I will be in chat tonight at 5:30 PST; 8:30 EST Hope to see some of you there!!!!

So grab your coffee, munchies and whatever and come and enjoy the conversations!!

See you there!!!

hi zazzy!
i'm gonna try again tonight. seems i either don't know what i'm doing (doesn't seem too hard) or my computer is just not picking up what it ought to. i tried to come in for a visit yesterday, but for some reason i couldn't see the dialogue. i know you all saw that i was logged in, i just couldn't see any of it....
will try later!
see ya then, sylvia
Afternoon chat ?

Afternoon chat ?

Hi folks ...does anyone (in the US) ever fancy an afternoon chat .? in the UK I'd have to wait up until about 1.30am to catch you Zazzy ....I think we are about 5 or 6 hrs ahead of you ..if someone gave a day and time ..I'd try and make it
Thanks anyway
Missed you by a few mins, Zazzy. Says Nancy is in there, but couldn't get messages from her. Nancy, hope you are not lost in cyberspace. Don't know how to get you back from there!

Scottie, name the time and I will try to be there. Tomorrow it's sposed to rain so may have to stay home all day. Maybe sleet, too so it will be COLD in Fl. this part, anyway.
Looks like I will be completely grounded tomorrow. Snowing in Memphis. We have two snow plows for the entire city and outlining suburban area. Haven't been used since 1996 they say. Scary thought. Might be safer staying inside. Southerners do not know how to drive in the snow!
Hi Scottie!
Good idea! Here in Austria it´s even 1 hour later than in Scottland, I think!
Greetings from Vienna
Gina, wait til you get to Baltimore - there're snow plows everywhere, but they always wait til you have shoveled the driveway and here they come to block it up!! lol:confused:
Thanks Hensylee;)

My memories of living up north are slowly returning....5 inches overnight! My daughter is so to play in the white stuff today. :)
I would sure give a daytime chat a try...could we set it up a day or two ahead so I can have my kids doing seat work if it is during class? I could join for a minute or two.
Homeschool Jean?

Homeschool Jean?

Hi Jean - Do you homeschool? We have 4 kids and homeschool them all. They are 10, 9, 5 and 3. Just curious because you mentioned having them do "seat work" while you chatted.
Hi Hank, No I don't home school, I teach high school in the public school system. Find home schooling a very positive thing in many families. My daughter and her husband are considering it with their child when the time comes...both Grannies are teachers and will be retired by then and more than eagerly willing. I had a speech class yesterday in which the kids had an assignment to do on their own; so after making sure all were ok with the assignment I could sit at my desk for a few minutes.
Let's Fix a Chat Time folks ?

Let's Fix a Chat Time folks ?

Hi folks ...I've been into the chat room a few times ...but only been lucky enough to catch someone there twice ...I found both times really enjoyable do you fancy setting a chat time ..maybe one afternoon(for you in the US ) so that the Europeans may join in ?
I really don't mind which day ,although Thursday is not a great one for me ....
I think we are five /six or seven hrs ahead of you depending where about in the US you are it would be an evening chat for us .