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Hi Missy,
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Managed to bump into another Vr in chat room last night. Nice. Had a nice visit. Zazz will be out most of day - must take care of brother and his needs. Been a tough week for him and not gettin better. Please everybody, pray for him. He has Parkinson's. Thanks
Hey Ann... Take care of your brother... chat will be here.

I just read an article in the Spokesman-Review (Spokane, Wash) about a Spokake man who recently had a brain pacemaker implanted. The pacemaker was approved last month by the FDA for Parkinsons and is made by Medtronic.

Take care of yourself as well as your brother!

Tks Zazzy - I too have heard of this implant and so far it isn't as good as they hoped and is limited in what it does. But think anything is a help. Will see what his neurologist has to say 2/26.
Hi Hensylee-

So sorry to hear about your brother. He's been through so much and now this. He'll be in my thoughts and prayers. He's lucky to have a wonderful, concerned sister like you. Take care.
Hi Hensylee,

I will have your brother in my thoughts and prayers. To have to go through so much and then some! Hopefully the neurologist can shed some light on things. God Bless you both and take care!
The dr rxed some new meds so we will see. My sister went w/us to dr and coming down from 2nd floor to 1st in elevator, she said "I am fainting" and she did. With him in a wheelchair and her fainting and me, with mended heart, trying to help, it was truly a 3 stooges moment! And she's healthy!!!:D
Three Stooges?

Three Stooges?

My, my, my Ann! Am I going to have to come out there and take care of all of you? lol

Hope everything is okay with you sis and that your brother's new meds work for him.

Are you taking care of YOU??????? Don't make me worry girl!!!!

Gawd, it was truly awful at the time, but later I just laughed my head off imagining the sight we presented! Sister faints from time to time, but not when I am around and usually she's at home near a bed. And certainly not in an elevator. She's ok today, chairing some kind of meeting, and off on a weekend trip tomorrow. Nothing keeps her down long. As the staff at the medical center watched us drive off in the dark (I had just thanked them and told them I brought HER along as I don't drive at night) they probably shook their heads with wonder!

May take you up on that, Zazzy - at least I could get you to the beach.