So we made it safely home from our adventure through the city traffic and maze of roadworks to and from my appointment
Its all good news!
. My Cardio was thrilled to see me and even more so that I had bothered to go get some other opinions and learn up big-time on the ordeal ahead...
He agrees with all the surgeon recommends and has ordered another CT of the aorta and also one of the brain that I asked for..and also I will have the dreaded Angiogram
...and if my aorta has grown at all we are straight off to see the surgeon.
He wrote down the names for me of the 2 guys he would have operate on himself and also said the other surgeon in Perth I had been thinking of was also equally qualified. But he did have a preference for the other 2 chaps.
This all sounds pretty good to me...my BP has stabilised and now we just have to get healthy lungs and eat some more nourishing food and the second this sucka grows it'll ring bells !
We also had a quick chat about venues for the big-day and he recommends the local Mount Hospital, it is our states leading private cardiac unit...He says he would have surgery there too..
So there is no need to race off by the end of this week... but we do need to step it UP a level...
and so we have..
He has now heard the Surgeons letter, read to him by my cardio ...lol...hubby wouldnt read it before...talk about denial
he was of the opinion I was exagerating the whole ordeal cos 2nd opinion guy was in denial or trying to move me to denial and hubby liked that scenario better...
cos you all know if you ignore these things they go away ...AS IF...
Hubby is happy with the outcome and plan of attack, and I feel totally at ease now .
I know this Cardio is on the same page as us...YAY!
Did I mention the root stabilising,,,he says YES they DO do it on me when they do the whole bentall thingy...and he also gave me the warfarin brochure to have a look at...Al would approve of the info in it..
So I think I have finally come to the point where I am willing to sit back and let this guy take control...
a decision that has caused huge sighs of relief to go out around the household
...i didnt think I was that bad to live with....
Oh well its gonna be better now...I know it is!...
Thanks again guys and gals...youre the BEST!