Celebrities with Valve Replacements?

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I heard Ahhhhh-nold Schwarznegger had a new valve put in. Anyone know of any other celebs or a place to find a list? Thanks.
The only one I can think of is Kate Jackson (Charlie's Angels) - but I have read conflicting reports on that - many years ago I had read she had a mitral valve replacement, but recently I read she just had a hole patched up in her heart. ??

That is an interesting question. I wonder if most celebs keep this sort of thing quiet.

This is interesting. It took a while to find these. Please note Dave Cullinan who is a bike racer

Rodney Dangerfield (either had or is going to have)
Robby Benson
June Carter Cash
Senator Bob Graham

Hard-nosed high school principal Joe Clark, celebrated for his tough discipline and the subject of the recent movie "Lean on Me," underwent successful open-heart surgery Sunday to replace an infected aortic valve.Clark, 52, known for his bombastic rhetoric and for wielding a baseball bat while patrolling the corridors of Eastside High in Paterson, was reported in satisfactory condition after about four hours of surgery at Newark Beth Israel Hospital.

Dave Cullinan
Dave, talk to me about what happened in 1993?
"In 1993 I crashed due to mechanical failure on my bike. I damaged my heart really bad. It went undetected for almost four months. I wound up having to go in for open-heart surgery. They had to put in a titanium valve to keep things going. Later on in 1994 the doctors said I was completely done with bike racing and I was going to have to go out and get a job. They told me to go get a degree or get a job, pretty much, they told me to go wash cars for all they cared, you know because that's all an ex-pro mountain biker is good for, washing cars. So, a year and a half later I discovered a surgery that involved a human heart valve. So I went back under the knife for my second open-heart surgery to install the human heart valve. Eight weeks later (1996) I returned to the Cactus Cup and raced. Later on in 1996 I had to go back in for a third open heart surgery to clean up all the scar tissue from the titanium valve. That same year in NORBA I finished 3rd overall in Downhill and 4th overall in Dual Slalom."
Hey Nancy,
You just amaze me. You have to be the guru of the INTERNET. ;)
I think I searched every search engine there is and found out that Celebrities have a lot of other problems but the only one I could find with any kind of a heart problem was Arnold.
Have A Great Week!

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
I just looked up Kate Jackson on the web and from what I can see, she had a hole in her heart patched that was congenital; it was not anything to do with a valve.

I had forgotten about Robbie Benson. Didn't he have a mitral replacement??

Here's a few more that popped up:

Garrison Keillor-
Prairie Home Companion-Lake Wobegone

"Yes, Garrison Keillor once wrote for The New Yorker, as did the narrator in his new book, Love Me.

But no, Keillor has never shot a magazine publisher. You have his word on that.

"The New Yorker is real, but everything about it in the book is fiction. It's not really run by the Mafia," Keillor says during an interview on the porch of his home in a leafy neighborhood of St. Paul. The house is a solid, well-kept brick with high ceilings. Children's toys are scattered about, including Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls.

Looking fit two years after heart valve surgery, the famously shy Keillor is barefoot and wears blue jeans and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He scrunches his bulldoglike face as he sips coffee and discusses everything from his new book to his decision to quit drinking."
Betty Friedan

Jesse Helms
Charlie Rose-the NPR talk show host, writer, attorney, and 60 Minutes II guy. Had Porcine aortic valve in early 2002 done by the same doc that did David Letterman's by-pass surgery, I think.
Lewis Grizzard - Southern newspaper humorist / columnist had three valve replacements. The first two pig and the third, a St Jude mechanical. Died in 1994 from complications from the third replacement.
Les AVR '93 / '95
Ross Martin, who played Artemus Gordon on Wild Wild West had aortic valve problem, I don't know if he had a replacement, but that is what he died from, so I am guessing he did not have it replaced.
Celebrity valve

Celebrity valve

Bobby Darrin had an old Starr Edwards aortic valve (ball and cage) and died from complications after having it awhile. This was back in the 1960's I believe.

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