Celebration time guys!!!

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Hi all!!! Heard from my oncologist's nurse today.... the PCR (blood test to track the bad boy Phillies for my leukemia) came back NEGATIVE. This means I am in MOLECULAR REMISSION!!!! YIPPPPPPPPEEEEE!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

The icing on the cake is that my liver function test is good too!!! Oh my, how I LOVE CAKE!!! hee hee

Just had to share!!!!


(This is indeed a ten-grinner if I ever saw one!!! lol)
Well I posted to the other one before I got here. May take me a few mins to answer here - can't see too well. Such great news, Zazzy. I am so happy for you. It's been a long time comin but you always just keep hangin in there. I know your upbeat attitude has a lot to do with getting better. Not to mention your perseverence. Ya'll get out your kleenex. You need it for this one. God bless

I'm so very, very happy for you. You've had such a long journey. It's time to sit and relax and enjoy life.
Hey Zazzy - Congrats on the remission. I can remember when each of your postings were just more bad news. Now all you have is good news. Well you are sure overdue. I hope your good luck streak continues, you certainly deserve it.

Fantastic News! This truly must be your year! Lots of good things happening for you! I hope it continues. Reading your post put a big smile on my face for you..

hensylee said:
@~ @~ @~ @~ @~ @~ @~ @~ @~ @~ @~ @~
Nearly forgot the roses! To go with the cake. Anybody got champagne. This is something to celebrate.:D
I got the Champagne right here!
Congratulations Zazzy! I can almost see you bouncing off of the walls with joy and excitement.

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You guys are the greatest!!! Thank you all!!!!

Ross... gee you are a resourceful guy to come up with champagne that fast! ha ha!!!



Hi Zazzy,

Let me add my congratulations on the wonderful health reports.:) All this good news couldn't happen to a nicer person.

You are an inspiration to all of us.

Ron K
Celebration time guys

Celebration time guys

Zazzy !!

Super great news!!!!
Way to go....sit back, close your eyes...enjoy
The good Lord truly does hold you in the palm of His hand!

Jack ( Welland )


Way to go, Zazzy!

This is great news for a truly great person. I've always found your support of others to be so upbeat and cheerful, that I'm glad that you're getting your turn.

:D x10
I replied on the other post, but this one bears repeating!



Well done!



Zazzy! Such great news...now we can do the survivor dance together. I am so happy for you, girl!