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Okay gang... it's official!

I received a report yesterday from the lab concerning my latest test. You may remember that I recently had a bone marrow aspiration to see how the Gleevec was working on my CML (chronic myelogenous leukemia). Well..... get ready.......here goes.......

"Of 600 cells analyzed: 0% (that is a big fat GOOSE-EGG!!!!) showed a positive double fusion signal. 4.8% show a single fusion signal. This is within the limits st by normal controls for this tissue type."


One down (bma), two to go! This doesn't mean that I am cured of this disease, but it does mean that I am in remission and staying well ahead in the race!!!

Hmmm.... might have to make my trip a state-to-state tour!!!

Thanks so much for everyone's support through this! It sure means a lot to me to know that even "broken" hearts have room for caring!!!!

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Wow Zazzy!

Wow Zazzy!

That's the greatest news. Thanks for letting us know. I applaud your upbeat and courageous posts during what must be a very difficult time for you.

Continued improving health.


Way to go, Zazzy! See I knew we'd meet up at the end of the trail!...the 10 year trail.
Great News!

Great News!


That is great news. I am sure your positive attitude and upbeat spirit helped you to heal. Keep on keeping on!!!!!!

Talk to ya later.

Great news!

Great news!


What FANTASTIC news for you.

We just met last week, but I couldn't be happier for you. Your wonderful personality and your positive attitude show is every post I've read.

Let us know how you celebrate.

Ron K.
Hi Zazzy,
Great news, I am so pleased !!!
You have had so many problems yet you have always
stayed positive,you are an inspiration to us all
May your recovery continue
Love and sunshine
Zazzy - I couldn't be happier for you. This is great news. My wife is five years in remission from Leukemia. I can only hope you are headed the same direction.
So very happy for you Zazzy!
You are the one that we all should look up to. You are always up beat, and I have never seen you down.
God Bless You!




Hey Zazzy,

I don't understand a WORD of what you wrote, except the "0" and the "YIPPEEEEEEE!!", so I am WAY happy for you!! :D I'm rooting for you all the way!!

oh wow, zazzy!!!
i almost cried when i read your post!!!! that is the best news i've heard!!! i am soooo thrilled for you and can actually picture you jumping up and down for joy!! keep up the amazing attitude. believe it or not, it rubs off on all of us. i know i've learned so much from you in just this short time_ thank you.
i'll keep praying that the next two tests come out the same way (if not better).
again, great news!! please keep us posted.
be well and God bless,
I didn't understand the science **!" but it is great that you are recovering so brilliantly.I hope you have a real humdinger of a celebration Zazzy, and I'm sending a big hug and x from London.
And every post is right about your positive emails to this forum,they are so kind and generous,I hope now you can look forward to your future happy life!!!
Debs xxx:p
My dear Zazzy - I can barely see through the tears to write this. So HAPPY to hear your good news. Your courage is such a lesson for all of us. You will continue to be at the top of my list of prayers as you travel along. And as you say YIPPEEEEEEEEEEE! God bless:D :D :D :D :D