Okay David. Try this. It really helped in our household. Our 3 are all now in college (dorms being a whole other breed of germ factories!).
Wherever the main bathroom is that everyone uses, put in a roll of paper towels beside the towel. Guests can use towels, you guys use the paper towels....germs go in the trash.
Each kid gets his own tube of toothpaste....as do you and your wife.
Replace toothbrushes more regularly (maybe buy a large pack at a costco type place.
Teach kids not to share drinks or snacks at school.
Teach them to wash their hands as soon as they get home from school.
Teach them not to rub their eyes, or noses or mouths at all during the day.
Wipe off the doorknobs in the house every few days or weeks (of if a whole slew of kids have been through) with those cloth wipes (lysol, clorox) that you can get in the plastic cannister.
Keep a little jar of gel sanitizer in the car. When you come out of the grocery store (have you SEEN sick babies chew on the handlebars

) glop a little sanitizer in your hands and then drive away.
When you are out and about, don't use handrails, don't use door openers, lean into the door, use your knuckles to press elevator buttons.
In other words.....don't invite all the germs into your body.
Also, we're firm believers in vitamins. I take a B-complex C every day and a multi-vitamin. I used to drink large glasses of orange juice, but my triglicerides are now too high, so I'm down to 4 oz a day. Still, I'm a believer in good orange juice.
Pick up some Zicam gel in the dispenser bottle. READ the label very carefully and decide if you want to "risk" trying it. Instead of using the dispenser, I dispense a tiny glop out onto a kleenex, then use a q-tip to very carefully ONLY spread the gel inside the very outer edge of each nostril. Then press for 10 seconds. This stuff works for me. I love it.
Okay!! That's all from MamaHen Marguerite!
Good luck!
And hey....what happened with the kids's echoes??? Did I miss your report?