Cardiac Rehab

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
Alright, I have a question about rehab. How come all the "older" folks get it, but the young'uns don't? Or did other young'uns get rehab and I'm just out of the loop? I've had 7 heart surgeries and NEVER been put into cardiac rehab. I would really like to be, though. I've never had much stamina, and I fear it's getting worse after this last surgery. I wasn't told a certain amount of walking to do, just to make sure to walk (which if you add up all the trips from my classroom to the office, might be enough?). I had mentioned to my cardiologist awhile back about cardiac rehab, but neither of us brought it up again. I'd really like to get "in shape" so to speak. Was rehab automatic for all of you, or did you have to ask for it? And how was insurance about paying for it? It's been 3 and 1/2 months since my surgery, would they still consider me?

Hello Niki,

It sounds like you need to have another discussion with your cardiologist (or PCP if cardio is not willing or available).

My PCP gave me an Rx for Cardiac Rehab at 6 weeks post op. Unfortunately, it took another 6 weeks to get insurance approval and find an opening in the rehab schedule.

Bottom Line: I believe it is a beneficial program. GO FOR IT !

If your insurance won't cover it, get your cardiologist to suggest an exercise program (what machines, heart rate, BP ranges, etc) and exercise at a gym or even at home. I highly recommend a Heart Rate Monitor (chest strap and watch type readout) which can be found for around $50 at Wal Mart etc. A Blood Pressure Cuff and Stethoscope or all in one self tester is also a good thing to have.

Good Luck,

Everyone gets it over here!

Everyone gets it over here!

Hi Niki,

I can only comment on the situation here in England, but certainly every patient in my part of the world is offered rehab. In my case, I was given a thorough assessment about three weeks after my AVR surgery at a fantastic purpose-built facility in a local town. I was deemed fit enough to carry on doing my own thing, but I could have made use of the facility if I'd wanted - it just wasn't very convenient.

I have to say that I found walking fantastic, taking our two dogs between three and seven miles each day in weeks two to six after surgery - going back to work soon put a stop to that! Having started with the walking, I progressed to jogging and was able to run (and walk!) the London Marathon just six months after surgery.

If you want to get in shape, just go for it! Every little bit you can do will help - use the stairs if you can rather than the elevator. It's all good for you.

Good luck with that shape,

I was the youngest in my rehab program, but it was still wonderful.
All the other patients were CABG patients, but it was still wonderful.
I have vague and fading memories of the long list of things they told me in the hospital -- you know, when I'm on pain medication, fully pumpheaded and groggy -- and one of them was probably rehab. Nobody told me what it was or how to get in it, but a few said it was good. It seemed that if I didn't pursue it, I woudn't get it. I think I had to get the cardiologist to write a prescription for it.
The rehab program I went to had a fundraiser a few weeks ago, a Walk/Run for LIfe. I personally dislike fundraisers, but I participated for the rehab program. I made the four mile walk in under an hour, and it only took four days to get the stiffness out of my legs.


Thanks for the replies. I was thinking rehab would definately be a good thing. I think the main reason I have never been offered it is because I'm always using pediatric doctors. Since my heart problems are congenital the "adult" cardiologists just don't understand my anatomy like the pedis do. And I doubt many kids need the cardiac rehab, since they are usually so active. After my last open heart I got involved in a water aerobics class for "special problems." It was done at a slightly slower pace and the instructor was trained for dealing with various probs. It wasn't a rehab program, but I know I felt really good when I took that class. Unfortunately, I'm not sure where to find another one like it (I don't live in that city anymore).

I think I will talk to my card about it today, if I can get ahold of her. Al, I always find it interesting that other people have to go through their PCP for so much. I talk to my card's office just about every week and the people there know my voice on the phone. I barely ever talk to my PCP's office. Dr. Pearse, my card, calls me up from home and we end up chatting about life, my hubby, you name it, before we ever remember to get back to the point of the call. I know she'll write a prescription if I ask her. She tends to be very good at listening to the patient (or at least me), which is why I love her.

Thanks again guys!


Hi Nike. Rehab was never mentioned to I just decided on my own to walk..Just got in a few minutes ago. Just maybe 1/2 milewalking the dog..but I will tack on more as the day goes by..We have a super path at local Cimmunity center down in Valley. After 3 complete turns, I really feel peppy. I wouldn't want to use my to..holding on to a bike, ect...soreness the next day in shoulders, ect. Maybe after could take a turn on their track..??or inside their gym? Bonnie
Cardiac Rehab

I was offered a choice to take rehab classes or no. I opted for them and then waited for about 6 weeks for the preliminary classes. We did weight checks, BMI, diet questionnaires, personality questionnaires, exercise questionnaires and a stree test with all the breathing apparatus.

The results of all the tests were marked and checked and a profile was established. We were called in to discuss the results and a personal program was presented based on wheather we wished to do the rehab at home or at the clinic under supervised care. I opted for home ( 45 minute drive and a physical ed and physiology background plus a treadmill and other ecercise apparatus at home and a beautiful paved walkway besides the canal that runs thru' our town)

They phone me every other week to see if I am maintaining the program, a little motivation, and a reminder of the comparative stress test in 6 months which will show if I have been working or not.

Being in Canada all of this is no cost. ( love that socialized medicine conservative that I am !!)

jackc ( Welland )


hi niki -i too was the youngest in my rehab at 35.. i was told to do rehab.. i had my operation at medical city on june 4th.. the rehab guy there who worked with me while i was still in hospital told me i could do it there or at another facility.. i opted for baylor garland since that's closer to where i live..between the two they don't waste anytime.. which i think in beneficial to a speedy recovery.. my AVR was done on june 4th, was discharged june 10th and started rehab june 20th.. they do a 12 week program or if your insurance pays for it, until you complete 36 classes.. my insurance paid 100% of my rehab..

i really can tell a difference when i don't exercise as regularly..

Rehab-a Must!

Rehab-a Must!

You're being short changed by your PCP, Cardiologist and Insurance company if you can't get into a re-hab class. Don't let them off the hook easily. You deserve it and should get it right along with the older "bypasser's" who make up the majority of these classes.

Nevertheless, the classes are a tremendous help toward a full recovery.

Best of luck,


I am 69 and never was assigned to re-hab class.
If you are loyal to the proper regiment, you don't need someone else telling you to do what you already know to do.
If not, the extra support works.
You're right Hugo

You're right Hugo

I was never told to go to re-hab. Glad, just one more place to go..riding in car, ect. when you can walk out your front door..and walk, walk, walk,.:D :D :D I'm fine..just gained my weight back..:p :p :p :p Bonnie
Cardiologist appt. today

Cardiologist appt. today

Well, I saw my card today. I asked her about rehab, and she agreed it could possibly do me some good. So she's going to look into it and see if my insurance will cover it. Of course, the next question is, when will my schedule allow it (work from 8-6 M-Th, and 8-4 on F). I'll let you all know what happens.